Posts by: Kalyan Varma

Rock Climbing

Did my second day of rocking climbing at turahalli this morning. Managed to climb few of them and did not injure myself this time. The pain in my toes and fingers feels good. Plan to go with my camera next time to shoot some pictures. It’s nice to see people hanging on to these cracks which are less then 1cm in width.

Introducing WildIndia

Remember the wildlife related project I was talking about ? Well here you go. Introducing WildIndia, a community site for people interested in Indian wildlife, ornithologists, wildlife photographers and ofcourse for everyone else. Noel and me have been working on this for a while now, but only recently this has taken off in a big way. The aim is to use the power of the Internet and current day technology tools to enable people to collect, share and analyze our Biodiversity data in an easy way. I also wrote my first ajax script using google maps to show bird distribution…

Eye Pecker

The pictures of the Vine Snake were my fav from my Kudremukh Trip last week. Over all we saw about 13 new species of snakes (most of them dead, run over on the road). We saw this little fella crossing the road and managed to save it life from a passing truck. The Green Vine Snake is sometimes called as the ‘Eye Pecker’ because people believe it pecks humans eyes. In this picture it was quite agitated and was trying bite us off. Another amazing thing about this snake is that it can extend half of its body into midair…

I’m back

It’s been one hectic month (explains why I’ve not blogged in a while) Work is picking up slow and steady.. so good stuff on that front Managed to make one trip to Muthodi late august and one trip to Kudremukh last week. Both were in core western ghats and they were *Excellent*. More about it later My laptop gave up on me, and was stranded on a windows machine for a week. But thanks to IBM’s excellent service, I’m back in action now Working on a wildlife related project.. You’ll hear about it in the coming week Hope to blog…

Physical Data mining

So this morning, the laundry chap came home to deliver the usual clothes. When my mom picked up the bundle, he said Laundry Guy : “Looks like kalyan changed jobs or has gotten a promotion” My mom : “Huh? What do you mean ?” Laundry guy : “Over the last couple of weeks, his clothes have fully changed from green camouflage T-shirts to formal pants and shirts, So I guessed he’s got a new job” This reminds me of the movie ‘One Hour Photo’. * scary *

Google Talk

So the rumours are true. I still do not see an official announcement, but is up and running. Lot of brownie points for google for using an open protocol like jabber and making it accessible for any jabber client. That’s right, you don’t even need to upgrade gaim to use the service. Now I hope Yahoo and MSN follow this model and make their protocols open soon. A more important outcome of this is the that people will start re-mixing this open API’s and will come out with amazing tools and services like this one which mrinal developed couple…

My new mistress

If you have seen the movie Pulp Fiction, you will remember Mr Wolf (Played by Harvey Keitel). He is the guy who comes to clean up the mess in the car. He is the guy whom you call when shit happens. He’s the guy who introduces himself by saying “I’m Winston Wolf, I solve problems”. Well Secuprise, is here to do exactly that. You can read all the ‘CxO formatted’ info in our website, but basically we are a no bullshit security company. As many of you know, we understand security from ground up and that’s what we are offering….

Cisco 0wned ?

Many of you might have read about the whole Cisco fiasco last week when it tried to shut up a security researcher from disclosing a bug that he discovered in its router. Well, Cisco should better then to piss of the hacker community. I noticed this a while back:

Sleep Problem

I have this real bad sleeping disorder. If I get even slightly disturbed during the first 30 min of my sleep, I just cannot fall asleep for the next couple of hours. It’s the second time this has happened this week and it’s quite annoying I tell ya. I’ve already tried 3 times to force myself, but it ain’t working. Anyone else has the same problem ?