
Google Talk

So the rumours are true. I still do not see an official announcement, but talk.google.com is up and running. Lot of brownie points for google for using an open protocol like jabber and making it accessible for any jabber client. That’s right, you don’t even need to upgrade gaim to use the service. Now I hope Yahoo and MSN follow this model and make their protocols open soon. A more important outcome of this is the that people will start re-mixing this open API’s and will come out with amazing tools and services like this one which mrinal developed couple…

My new mistress

If you have seen the movie Pulp Fiction, you will remember Mr Wolf (Played by Harvey Keitel). He is the guy who comes to clean up the mess in the car. He is the guy whom you call when shit happens. He’s the guy who introduces himself by saying “I’m Winston Wolf, I solve problems”. Well Secuprise, is here to do exactly that. You can read all the ‘CxO formatted’ info in our website, but basically we are a no bullshit security company. As many of you know, we understand security from ground up and that’s what we are offering….

Cisco 0wned ?

Many of you might have read about the whole Cisco fiasco last week when it tried to shut up a security researcher from disclosing a bug that he discovered in its router. Well, Cisco should better then to piss of the hacker community. I noticed this a while back:

Sleep Problem

I have this real bad sleeping disorder. If I get even slightly disturbed during the first 30 min of my sleep, I just cannot fall asleep for the next couple of hours. It’s the second time this has happened this week and it’s quite annoying I tell ya. I’ve already tried 3 times to force myself, but it ain’t working. Anyone else has the same problem ?

Elephants, Monkeys and Tigers

Last week, sriramb was out of town and a lot of work was stalled for various reasons. So I decided to make a quick dash into the forest and boy, oh boy what a trip that was. At Bandipur, I got to see tons of elephants. In 2 days, I think I saw more then 50 elephants and they posed for me real nice. On one of the days, me and bunch of other folks trekked from Gopalswamybetta to the entrance of the national park. It was almost a full day trek and I’ve had one of the scariest encounter’s…

The sabbatical that was

Late last month, my sabbatical came to an end. What started out as a few weeks stint in the jungle, turned out to be a 6 month long sabbatical. Got to see some of the amazing varieties of animals, birds, insects and plants in the jungle and more importantly, I’ve learnt so much about them. Met a lot of interesting people and made friends with some even more amazing people at BR hills. More then the animals, I miss the people and my way of life there. I want to thank two people who made this whole sabbatical happen. Harsha…

Security startup

OK, this might come as a shocker, but yeah, sriramb and me are starting a security consulting startup. As sriram points out, we need a good name for which a .com domain is available. We have been breaking our head’s over it for a while, but you know how it is coming up with good names. So if you have any idea’s do pitch in. We will give away one stock of our company to you if you have the winning name 🙂 More details about this coming soon … Update: The contest is closed and the winners (if any)…

Do not use Google earth

Because it’s bloody brilliant and will eat away all your productivity and you will do nothing but sit on it for many hours. (That’s how I lost all my sleep last night) Don’t be discouraged if you are from india, because google earth has atleast a low-resolution version of it with altitude details. So I was able to look at the Bangalore, which is essentially the maps version of it, but you can start driving out of Bangalore. I was able to track Mysore, BR hills, Bandipur etc etc and with elevation details, I was looking at all the hills…

Tiger Tiger

Just had the best Tiger sighting of my life. I was driving to the Tribal NGO place in the jeep when this large male tiger crossed the road right in front of me. I stopped the jeep and switched off the engine. This tiger walked into some nice green grass, glared at me for more then a min and all along flicking it’s tail. Then slowly he melted into the forest. I’m kicking myself for not having my camera with me at that time. Anyway was a lovely sighting and something that I will remember for a long time to…