Cisco 0wned ?

Many of you might have read about the whole Cisco fiasco last week when it tried to shut up a security researcher from disclosing a bug that he discovered in its router. Well, Cisco should better then to piss of the hacker community.

I noticed this a while back:


  1. mekin · August 3, 2005 Reply

    This incident does not appear to be due to a weakness in Cisco products or technologies


  2. anomalizer · August 3, 2005 Reply

    “We are a large corporation, we have the bestest lawyers and PR people. We build world class products. What harm can hackers to us?” 😉

  3. themadman · August 3, 2005 Reply

    This incident does not appear to be due to a weakness in Cisco products or technologies

    No, only in the software we use for authenticating users on our site.


  4. Anonymous · August 3, 2005 Reply

    about cisco

    i dont wish to challenge any one’s knowledge here, nor want to be disrespectful to the community that is pretty strong on web, but I reckon Cisco is justified in stopping the guy. The vulnerability discovered in routers does not lead to mass password cracking around the world, but does lead to anxious customers who then want to question their trust in Cisco. It’s not about how Lynn can be a storm that may destroy a company like Cisco’s reputation, but about a company who wishes to think beyond black hat community blackmailing them with stuff.
    Just to refresh the incident when someone leaked the so called config of Pix firewall and threatened to sell on ebay for 16K.
    I think Cisco will stop things from happening, and is justified in doing so. And please, freedom of speech / expression does not permit abuse of technology to harm someone’s reputation. Not that it would affect it.

    – sumeet

  5. admin · August 3, 2005 Reply

    Re: about cisco

    This whole incident by cisco has just given itself more bad PR. It would have been just fine, if cisco didnt do anything and let a patch out ASAP, instead of going through all this. Let’s face it – The information is out anyway, people are even more eager to crack cisco, cisco got some really bad press and the whole thing just looks plain ugly for ISS as well.

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