Narcondam article in Outlook traveller
Sorry about the awful silence on the blog. I’m out in the field this whole month and had to work in really tough conditions in Assam, Rajasthan and Kerala.
Meanwhile, this months issue of Outlook Traveller carried the article on my

You can download the pdf of the article here. I really like how Outlook/Geo does the layout of the images with text and captions.
Super! Read this in the mag. Beautiful images. Super assignment 🙂
Thanks Pramod. It was not an assignment.
Good one. A Kalyan Varma Traveller Magazine sometime, perhpas? 🙂
wow really a stunning place & looks pristine, the habitat shots are too good,plz do upload the pics.
Any chance of getting the PDF will all images in good quality, not indexed?
Unfortunately no. Since its a print magazine who do not have online presence, getting this itself was a big thing.
lovely…start your own magazine..
Hi Kalyan,
I am all J…this is something what I dreamt some 5 – 6 years back. Its more or less what I had imagined, what it might be if someone takes this trip. Very nice photographs and great work. Wish I can be part of the team someday!!