Phenom rulez

Phenom luckily got to perform right after the snack break. Lucky coz, they had enough time to set up their stuff on stage. As usual, things went wrong.. The sound system was crappy and their cables were all screwed up. Anyways these guys managed to get those problems resolved just in time. So the crowd comes in.. and all set to go. 10 seconds before they go live, mrinal jumps out of his stool and drops on the floor. Turns out, he had a cramp in his legs. After quick help by me and deepu, he was back in business.

“Baba black sheep, have you any wool…”, starts out Noella, which totally took everyone by suprise. As usual, her lovely voice and gorgeous looks, blew everyone away. After the 2 main lines of the poem… she starts out with ‘Road house blues’ by The Doors. Thats right people.. The DOORS.

Shashi, is *the* master of the guitar… his fingers were crawling up and down the guitar like a spider. His playing at the middle part of ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ was simply mind blowing stuff. Keep it up shashi.

Mrinal, the multi talented, kid proved himself yet again. he played the drums for most of the songs.. and towards the end, took over the guitar from sashi. If you really wanna see this guy in action, then watch him play ‘Comfortably numb’ next time

Gaurav .. well. what can I say. His vocals was the only thing that could beat his base guitaring. He kept the whole crowd tuned in and entertained for the full hour. And ofcourse.. ‘Coloured for the world’ just keeps getting better each time I listen to it. Great work dude.

JD ( somebody get this guy on LJ ), the silent one after mrinal, was on the keyboard, and he surely did justice to all the songs. Esp for the songs like road house blues and rush, where keyboad is *the* main instrument .

And ofcourse there is my sweetheart noella. ( I fell in love with her, when she was performing on stage late last year).As usual she managed to blow me away with her songs. I’ll obviously be biased here.. so wont say much 😀

They played the following songs:
Road house blues – The Doors
Ironic – Alanis Morissette
Jacob’s Ladder – Rush
Colored for the world – Phenom
Get over it – The Eagles
comfortably Numb – Pink Floyd

Hightlight of the evening was when JD was thrown on stage by us, and he takes the mike and says “I’m single”. Later we all grabbed some pizza’s at pizza corne

1 Comment

  1. amitng · October 21, 2002 Reply

    As usual, her lovely voice and gorgeous looks

    *ahem* REALLY, Kallu? *ahem* 😉

    cramp in his legs. After quick help by me and deepu

    Dude! U nearly killed him on stage!!!! 😀 (Maybe we need to get in on this to clarify..)

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