One Year at Yahoo!

Yep. Thats right, I joined Yahoo exactly an year ago.

So people have asked me.. do you fell happy/ any regrets.

Well, to be honest, I never have any regrets in life. The past 12 months have been extremely fun. Learned more then what I would have learned in 4 years of CS. Met some amazing people, and have got to work on some really amazing stuff. I do miss my college ife, but it was an entire diff life. I will not mind going back 2 – 3 years in my life, and go through the college life all over again. But well, everyone has to move on.. and I guess I have to too. Am glad I keep in touch with my college mates.. and still very much fit into the college janta.

While I was in college , I was very clear about what I wanted to do in my life. but Now i have no idea what I wanna do. I dont know where I will be and what I will be doing 5 years from now. And the worest part is I dont even know what and where I wanna be.

As fus says … ‘and life goes on … ‘


  1. fus · October 4, 2002 Reply

    i also once told you about something somebody once said …”most of the successful interesting people i know are 40 and they still dont know what to do or where they are going in life”

  2. achitnis · October 5, 2002 Reply

    “Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t.”

    Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen (Baz Lurman)

  3. fus · October 5, 2002 Reply

    thaz the ONE !!! ok kallu u heard it now …

  4. deepu · October 5, 2002 Reply

    “Unless we can find some way to keep our sights on
    tomorrow, we cannot expect to be in touch with today.”

    -Dean Rusk

  5. admin · October 6, 2002 Reply

    Thanks a lot. just what I needed 😉

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