
So the second LJ meet happens ( in a very short notice ). alsoravi was the guest for the night.. along with brainz ( Who incidentally comes well dressed and with 6 different kinds of perfumes on him ). Everyone turned up by 7:30.. expect khorgath who was there at 7. We had ravi’s uncle Ashwin there too. I think there were totally about 12 people. The ice-cream was delicious… and I pretty much got to finish my death by choc all by myself 🙂

The usual PESIT gang was also there….. snagappa like last time did not have anything. alsoravi being the main guest , kept on entertaining us.. ( p.s – he cant finish a single sentence without using ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’). We actually got to sit and talk , unlike last time. Talked about everything … topics ranging from LJ… canada…. life….. PEST.com….. and misc others. Later after the ice cream, couple of us decided to go out for dinner. Me, noelladsa ( who found brainz very cute ), powell ( This is his 1st Lj meet too ), jace , ravi and his friend mukesh went to this place called ‘Friends’. The food was kinda crappy.. however ravi was happy coz he got to taste booze in the tea that was served there. He also treated all of us ( Thanks a lot ravi ).

I have uploaded the pics here.

So overall turned out to be a nice meet… hope to have more of these soon…

People from left to right along with their lj username : Manu (manusb), Noella (noelladsa), Sushanth (khorgath), Ashwin (ravi’s uncle), Me, Powell (powell), Raghav (raghav), Pradeep (brainz), Sharat (snagappa), Ravi ( ravi a.k.a alsoravi), Kiran (jace), Mukesh ( ravi’s pal from madras)


  1. alsoravi · June 15, 2002 Reply

    Hey, thanks so much for being there, for me. Mucho appreciated. No, its not true — I was finishing [only] about 10% of my sentences with explatives. And yes, my alcohol deprived body enjoyed the much needed booze in the tea, though it was certainly inadequate. I’ll post later on , but for now, I had an amazing evening, and it pulled me out straight from depression. Really nice of all you guys to turn up. And, I’m Ashwin’s uncle, not the other way round …

    Also, I’m sorry I was late. That wasn’t planned 🙂

    Oh, and the pix are awesome! :^)

  2. charlesj · June 15, 2002 Reply

    Cool !!! I don’t know most of you guyz but i wish I was there as well 🙂

    looks like an enthusiastic 14 yr. old 😉

    however ravi was happy coz he got to taste booze in the tea that was served there.
    uhhh…. what does that mean ?

  3. mujib · June 16, 2002 Reply

    Mmmmm… ice-cream…

    Sounds like you guys had fun. 🙂

    Names (from left to right, standing), please.
    Thank you.

  4. admin · June 16, 2002 Reply

    14 years is too old for him.. he fits in the sub 10 age group.

    and as for the tea… I think ordered the irish tea. It was filled with cream.. which I finished..then there was lot of booze.. thats when ravi took over 😉

    (apperently irish tea is suppose to have some booze)

  5. admin · June 16, 2002 Reply

    Re: Mmmmm… ice-cream…

    Forgot to put that up. here it is:

    People from left to right along with their lj username : Manu (manusb), Noella (noelladsa), Sushanth (khorgath), Ashwin (ravi’s uncle), Me, Powell (powell), Raghav (raghav), Pradeep (brainz), Sharat (snagappa), Ravi ( ravi a.k.a alsoravi), Kiran (jace), Mukesh ( ravi’s pal from madras):

    P.S – we had a great laugh over your “kerala nude babes” at the meet 😉

  6. admin · June 16, 2002 Reply

    Great to have you here too buddy….
    too bad you and will be leaving tomorrow. You people have been great 😉

  7. noelladsa · June 16, 2002 Reply

    It was irish coffee you ass..didn’t you taste it

  8. noelladsa · June 16, 2002 Reply

    yep brainz was a cutie ..he’s my next potential adoptee…;)

  9. raghav · June 16, 2002 Reply

    All that perfume didn’t go a waste after all 😉

  10. alhambara · June 17, 2002 Reply

    coffee==dark bitter highly invigorating drink with mildly addictive tendencies
    tea==light mildly brackish refreshing drink drunk by chinese in middle ages and british since then

    Since the Brits drink tea, the Irishmen stick to coffee(pretty sensible lot, I’d say, even if the coffee part were to be discounted…Roy Keane LOOKS a lot more sensible than that Beckham “Spice” Boy…he he). And every Irishman loves his drink so they add some to their coffee…and thats what is Irish coffee…

    THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS IRISH TEA ! Next time drink the coffee and leave the cream to Noella. She needs it and God knows you don’t.

  11. admin · June 17, 2002 Reply

    Any idea , what is the exact drink that they add in the coffee ???

  12. brainz · June 17, 2002 Reply

    After yesterday do ya guys still think I’m a kid?

  13. alsoravi · June 17, 2002 Reply

    Re: Mmmmm… ice-cream…

    Ashwin is my nephew.

    Mukesh is also .

    Oh yeah, Kerala Nude Babes … ;/

  14. alsoravi · June 17, 2002 Reply

    You actually got discussed! I was too inebriated to figure out in what context, but I distinctly remember some ATKT talk came up and your name was flying around :^)

    Yeah, you should have been there!

  15. noelladsa · June 17, 2002 Reply

    Its a mix of coffee,condensed milk and whiskey..plus some otherstuff which I don’t know

  16. admin · June 17, 2002 Reply

    Re: Mmmmm… ice-cream…

    oh, I did not know mukesh was on LJ.
    Anyways nice meeting him too.

  17. alhambara · June 17, 2002 Reply

    Whiskey…in cse you are interested in the recipe

    1 Measure (3 cl) of Irish Whiskey
    1 teaspoon of raw sugar
    1 heaped desertspoon of whipped cream
    Hot strong coffee to fill the glass

    Pre-warm a stemmed glass. Add the whiskey.
    Add the sugar and stir in the coffee.
    Float the whipped cream on top.
    Drink the coffee through the cream (ie do not stir after adding the cream).

  18. alsoravi · June 18, 2002 Reply

    Re: Mmmmm… ice-cream…

    He was just amazed I could have this many buddies, and all of us interacting with each other so nicely, from off the web. Talk about technology …

    Oh, , he just loved your mom’s fabulous cooking! I found it a little too spicy to my liking, but amazingly tasty! ;/

  19. madhav · June 20, 2002 Reply

    alsomissed !

    Darn, I should have attended this meet. Sounds like you guys had a grand time..great to see how everyone looks like in real life. The pics have come out great too !!

  20. vandyvandana · March 25, 2004 Reply

    even i found cute when u saw him for the first time

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