Need more sleep…

last night and mekin came over to my place at 12 in the night, and stayed till 2. So while he was there, I managed to copy ‘The Doors’ movie from his hard disk to mine. after he left, I kinda felt bored and decided to watch it at 2am. It ended at 5 am. The movie is simply mind blowing. I am pretty sure many people wont like it, but I just love it. I really pity the rest of the band, who had to play for the crazy lyrics of Jim Morrison.


  1. admin · June 4, 2002 Reply

    I sure am.
    Infact I have the 2 cd movie + another 2 cd’s full of doors music video’s and interviews. That one is a very rare collection. I could pass it to ya if you want it

  2. admin · June 6, 2002 Reply

    Sure man. I dont think I will be able to get you the movie.. coz my writer is not with me right now… and it is lying on my HDD. Will get you the doors videos cd though

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