what the $@@*&@$?

its 9 am and what am I doing in office ?? well.. i know this is like midnight for me…no wonder, its raining outside.
My car really hates me. Over the weekend, it got overheated as usual. So today morning I decide to take it to the garage… . only it decides to start working after I start the damn thing…. anyways so here I am at work.. and this place is deserted.

In other news .. I officially declare Sushanth (khorgath) as an LJ addict. God, I come to work, and he scolds me for not commenting on any journal’s in the past 24 hours. I know …..i know…it keeps people like him off the streets, but heck. 🙂


  1. khorgath · June 2, 2002 Reply

    Yep. Me LJ-addict. I told ya that. Infact, I was gonna make an entry on that. You stole my idea!! You took away the possibility of another glorious entry.

    And I didn’t scold ya for not commenting in the past 24 hours. Rather, it was for not commenting in the past week. Slight difference. I’m still waitin…

  2. admin · June 2, 2002 Reply

    You aint and LJ-addict.. you are a LJ-freak.

    And will ya let me go on the comments part…

    …. some people ….

  3. khorgath · June 2, 2002 Reply

    You aint and LJ-addict..


    …. some people ….

    yep. 😀

  4. Anonymous · June 3, 2002 Reply

    Car doesnt work?

    > only it decides to start working after I start the damn thing

    Don’t tell me you weren’t trying to start it all this while. 😉


  5. noprofile · June 3, 2002 Reply

    Hey there! Wanted to welcome you aboard my community, got root? I hope that you will find it to be not only interesting, but a place where you can shre with us your wisdom and perhaps learn a bit from us. Take care, and if you need anything let me know!

    no:profile *admin of got root?

  6. admin · June 4, 2002 Reply

    Hello there,
    thanks a lot for that warm welcome.
    Trust me I’ll feel right at home 🙂

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