Been a while since I have updated LJ.
Well to start with, I had a great weekend. (btw my definition of great weekend = staying on bed all day and watching TV ;). yesterday was whole lot of fun. Had one of those, Team building programs at office. I though it would be one of those boring stuff, but turned out to be great fun. Its was mostly games throughout the day. As I was saying khorgath , its been a while since I have posted an interesting LJ update. I mean stuff other than keeping track of my life. but well hope to catch up with that soon.


  1. khorgath · April 23, 2002 Reply

    Hey buddy,


    Different people look at LJ in different ways. Your entries are something I always look forward to, because even if the post is abt what you did, and I pretty much know that anyway, it always seems to spawn off many “interesting” discussions. 😉 Joking aside, simple things that are daily occurences do make for great collections. Check out your journal page. It does indeed describe who you are, and what you do. When a person hits, they know you for the person that you are.

    So you haven’t been disappointing me. But heck, it’ll be nice to see you put down something that you take away from what happened during the day rather than just the events. Every day is another mystery. Grab it, hold on to it, and solve it. LJ is a great creative medium for improving yourself. Use it.


  2. admin · April 23, 2002 Reply

    Well I am really glad to know that 😉

    My purpose of LJ are these
    1. Put my thoughts out and see what others feel about that.
    2. Keep track of life.
    3. Friends page 😉
    4. Something I can look back someday and re-run how my days went.

    I really dont have to tell people what and who I am, coz most of the people who visit it, already know me well. and there is also my web site. But ofcourse LJ does tell what I am, what I do, and what I have been upto. Actually most of my friends check it to find out what I have been upto lately.
    And these days, I have been a bit busy, and too lazy to actually make a decent Lj post. If I look back at my journal, All my pre Apr posts were very good and make a very interesting read. And thats what I meant, when I said I need to make interesting posts.

    Anyways thanks a lot. Will try to keep up


    – kallu

  3. khorgath · April 23, 2002 Reply

    Just a thought. “who you are” and “what you do” have a connection. A very strong connection at that. One can arrive at one from the other, don’t you think?

  4. admin · April 23, 2002 Reply

    totally maan 😉

  5. achitnis · April 23, 2002 Reply

    Woah! Seriously profound abstract thought! Waiter! I’ll have whatever that gentleman is drinking!


  6. raghav · April 23, 2002 Reply


    Now thatz what I call ROFTL material, way2go, who wants to try beat Ravi (or was it alsoravi 😉 )for arbit, random, and superbly timed comments…go on try…

  7. raghav · April 23, 2002 Reply

    ME Concurrz

    Kallu, well kinda summed(integrates, jus had to say that) it all up, I’ve been here for what a week maybe, its been great to read about my sleepless night, days spent fraggin, nights spent brooding, A WHOLE NEW (well almost) BUNCH OF GREAT PPL on my friends list…that and 3,4. To me its almost like literally keepin in touch with ppl, with whom under normal circumstances I’d find difficult to…

  8. tariquesani · April 24, 2002 Reply

    Who you are?
    What are you here for?

    Ask yourself these questions from time to time and watch the answers change…

  9. alsoravi · April 24, 2002 Reply

    Re: 😀

    Yeah, actually I’m kinda sick of juggling multiple aliases. I mean, hey, *I* decide what goes on my journal, and people don’t like it, too bad. I’m seriously considering spamming the ‘ravi’ journal all over again, and dumping alsoravi for good … not just yet …

  10. alsoravi · April 24, 2002 Reply

    I’ve not slept 70 hours now, and I had a really tough exam this morning. I just had to go online and do something last night. Result: “Sendmail sucks.”

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