Never ever drive without your helmet.
One of my office mate, met with an accident last night at 2Am while he was going home. No major injuries, but he fell on his face. All that could have been avoided if he had worn an helmet. So coz of this there are new strict rules in office. After 9 pm, none of us are allowed to go home on bike. We _have_ to use the Yahoo taxi. The only issue is that we have to come to office in a autorickshaw in the morning. For people like me who almost everyday go home past 9pm, this is goona be an issue.
Came into office today only at 1. Finished some work, which I was suppose to have been finished over the weekend. I bought this Pizza Hut coupons. Basically I buy 1 pizza, and I get another one free. I got 30 of them. So to try it out, me and sush order 1 pizza, and get 2 of them. Good stuff 😉


  1. ravi · February 20, 2002 Reply


    Just wondering, wtf is a “Yahoo! Taxi” ?

  2. khorgath · February 20, 2002 Reply

    Re: Eh?

    we kinda work at Yahoo!. One of our “benefits” is an arranged taxi service thru the nights for people working odd schedules. Its called YTS, and is pretty useful.


  3. admin · February 20, 2002 Reply

    Re: Eh?

    hey, nice to know that you also are on LJ.
    dude please change your pic. You dont look like youself 😉

    – kalyan

  4. ravi · February 21, 2002 Reply

    Re: Eh?

    Yup. Been around here for a long time now too 🙂 No scanner, hence, you gotta make do with a 4 year old userpic ;/

  5. ravi · February 21, 2002 Reply

    Re: Eh?

    Hi khorgath. You seem pretty confused (if I’m allowed to make that observation) — You think its pretty useful, but why then, would you enclose “benefits” within quotes? ;/

  6. ravi · February 22, 2002 Reply

    Re: Eh?

    Fixed. I now have an updated userpic from Jan 2002. Though thats not up-to-date either. I’ve now got contact lenses, and hence no spectacles, and I got rid of the hair next to my ears, (side burns?) and I personally think it looks a whole lot nicer. :/

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