There is nothing like a crisp monday morning and when things are actually working. One of the only few monday’s where you can sit down and relax [ actually the reason is that there is a new sysadmin to take care of stuff 😉 ]. Had another one of those hectic weekend. Was practically out all day, visiting various places. Had been to Golconda for lunch, then was there at ITPL till evening.


  1. Anonymous · February 18, 2002 Reply

    ya ya ..reason is the new sysadmin…
    Munchikins its time to start telling the truth ma…
    And Ashu..I have to come here…
    Might as well admit it I’m addicted to love… spicy as ever..

  2. khorgath · February 18, 2002 Reply


    The connections been down and up all morning. Just becuase you come in to office at lunchtime don’t mean morning starts then.

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