
Tiger Tiger

Just had the best Tiger sighting of my life. I was driving to the Tribal NGO place in the jeep when this large male tiger crossed the road right in front of me. I stopped the jeep and switched off the engine. This tiger walked into some nice green grass, glared at me for more then a min and all along flicking it’s tail. Then slowly he melted into the forest. I’m kicking myself for not having my camera with me at that time. Anyway was a lovely sighting and something that I will remember for a long time to…

Hunting for a tiger kill

Last night while having dinner, we suddenly heard a loud cry of an animal, followed by an elephant thrumpet and then whole forest around us just came alive. All the monkeys in the camp start screaming out, the pet dogs were getting restless and deers were giving alarm calls from all around. I could even hear langur at a distance. All this was coming from just 200m from the camp. I tried talking to the guests, and none of them seemed interested. So I just took my torch and jumped out of the camp trying to find out what happened….

Visit from fellow LJ bloggers

shortindiangirl and chaibacca where here the last two days along with their folks. Apparently they came over after mmk mentioned I was working here. Just before they left, chaibacca gave 100 bucks to the camp elephant thinking that would hand it over to the mahout. The elephant just took the money and put it in its mouth and gobbled it down. Now the mahout is planning to wait till tomorrow morning and see if he can get the money out from its crap. heh Was nice to have them here specially since we had this other big pile of people…

Elephant Charge

The elephants in the forests know we do not harm them directly, but they still are very careful in the presence of humans and are always on alert when they smell us. This female was staring at us for a while and then suddenly decided we were a threat and did the most amazing charge towards our jeep I’ve ever seen in my life. In other news, am down with fever here. Luckly its because of cold and not because of some freak insect bite.

Updates from the jungle

Past few days have been very hectic and exciting. I got to see all the predators in the forests – The tiger, the leopard and two packs of the Indian wild dogs. Also saw few bears, elephants and lots of amazing birds. All the photos will be up once I’m back in Bangalore (which is this wednesday). The connectivity here is too slow. Weekend was hectic. Too many guests poured in here and I ran out of place to stay. Somehow survived in the forest guesthouse and now I’m back in my room since all the guests are gone. Few…

Finally a tiger in the wild

For the 1st time in my life, I managed to see a Tiger in the wild this morning. It was quite far, but we got to seem him for a full min. He was resting, saw us for a while, gave a huge growl and was off into the bushes. Since it was 7 in the morning with lost of mist, this is what I could manage.

Showing tribals the Internet.

The folks here who work in the camp are truly amazing set of people. They have all come from the near by tribal villages and can speak only kannada. Today while I was working on my machine, they came over and asked me if I could show them a plane. Apparently they have never seen a plane in their lives, only few times flying really high above the forests. Infact they were going gaga over the pics of Bangalore. They have never been out of 50KM radius from here, never visited bangalore, never seen the sea and never even got…