This weekends photography workshop
There area few seats left for this weekends photography workshop here in Bangalore. If you are interested, do drop me a line right away as the classes are almost full again till the year end.
There area few seats left for this weekends photography workshop here in Bangalore. If you are interested, do drop me a line right away as the classes are almost full again till the year end.
till the end of the year!!! :)))) glad.
Suggestion on DSLR
Kalyan, I was doing some research on entry level DSLR and kind of shortlisted Olympus E520 and Pentax K200D. I will be using the camera for normal shooting while traveling or indoors. Can you suggest one among these or one of your choice?
hmmmm……..aBOUTt 40 mintus hv gone since i hv been killing my time just ….roaming about on net….just by chance ahppend to see ur profle on orkut..thn got a link for ur website…hmm..hv nothing to say other this for ur work though i dont hv enough idea abt ths faculty but still wht i felt ..i just wanna say”’AMAZING”….
Arooj Waheed