Monkey’s just wanna have fun

One of the nice things about BR hills is the fact that there are so many monkey’s around you all the time. They are *very* *very* cute and surely spending time with them is the fav time of my day. The monkey breeding season just got over and all the young ones have just started to grow up and which kid does not like to have some fun. This guy just loves to make faces at me. I make a funny face and he makes another face and I do the same.. and the game goes on for hours.

This guy almost looks like an alien from outer space.


  1. kruthi · May 15, 2005 Reply

    they r so cute 🙂
    they rnt so young ,r they? i mean if they were infants, they wud stay attatched to theirs mothers right?

  2. admin · May 15, 2005 Reply

    The one on the top is very much in her mother’s arms. The second one is about a month old and if you look closely on the bottom left, the mother is actually holding the baby’s foot so the baby does not jump off.

    The mother’s are very protective about them and do not let me get close to them at all.

  3. deepix · May 15, 2005 Reply

    Man, monkeys rock! I took a good no. of shots when I went to Nandi. I will shamelessly use this space to advertise myself:

  4. mona1610 · May 15, 2005 Reply

    hehe.. yup the monkeys at BR Hills are really sooo cute! they’re very smart too.. they know exactly when the food is being served at the Gol Ghar and scamper around with the whole family in tow!

    monkeys are very good at imitating… this post reminded me of the cap-seller’s story whose caps are stolen by the monkeys and how he tricks them and gets them all back! 🙂 nice pics.. as usual! 🙂

  5. bhavanar · May 15, 2005 Reply

    Oh they are really cute!

  6. drkishoremurthy · May 15, 2005 Reply

    the first one looks as though big thing behind is holding it in a choke hold .. haha .. the second one is priceless.. pure amazing..

  7. kruthi · May 15, 2005 Reply

    🙂 .. i had noticed mommy in the first one 🙂 .. but not in the second one .. one of these days i will have a monkey as a pet 😛

  8. yathin · May 15, 2005 Reply

    Second one looks like young gollum! 😉

  9. vighy · May 15, 2005 Reply

    looks more like Harsha Bhogle 😉

  10. ravi · May 15, 2005 Reply

    This guy almost looks like an alien from outer space.

    As opposed to what, an alien from “inner” space?

  11. teemus · May 15, 2005 Reply

    Is “Kill ’em All” your favourite Metallica album ? 😛

  12. admin · May 15, 2005 Reply

    Is this Ze from dubai ?

  13. _lv_ · May 15, 2005 Reply

    nopes… told ya.. i am someone u dont know.. just reached ur journal by chance.. 🙂 am I welcomed here !! 🙂

  14. admin · May 15, 2005 Reply

    You are very much welcome. Just looking at your profile, I thought it was someone I knew. More pics coming up in the next couple of days.. so watch out for them 🙂

  15. creamanups · May 15, 2005 Reply

    i tried to take few monkeys’s photos in my backyard (yeah they do come to my backyard very often)..but these guys were pretty scary and they made scary faces at me when i tried to approach them…so i ended up taking bad pics from a distance with my limited zoom option and even light was bad then. They say when monkeys r small, their mothers usually dont let ppl go near them, so i was a bit hesitant to go near them…how do u do that??..i think they must be knowing u personally 😉

  16. teemus · May 15, 2005 Reply

    Making faces at monkeys must be fun. Rock on.

  17. _lv_ · May 15, 2005 Reply

    Will Do.. 🙂

  18. praveenkumarg · May 15, 2005 Reply

    These days some monkeys do creep up in my apartments balcony causing some fuss, throwing all the things and stuff like that. I never imagined to see monkeys in here really 🙂

  19. deepsan · May 16, 2005 Reply

    rocking hair style!

  20. joshmachine · May 16, 2005 Reply

    yes..second shot is very good, its more like he is posing for kalyan

  21. manjesh · May 17, 2005 Reply

    Took the words right out of my mouth…

  22. ashwinne · May 17, 2005 Reply

    Planet of the apes!

  23. shamitbagchi · May 29, 2005 Reply

    Wow ! Amazing closeup of the little apes. Its almost, as if they were human !

  24. smithi · August 6, 2005 Reply

    i am truly inspired.

  25. Anonymous · February 5, 2006 Reply


    aaaaaaw these r sooo cute! i luv animals but monkey’s are my favorite!

  26. Anonymous · February 14, 2006 Reply


    This is the most adorable monkey picture ever.

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