Yahoo mail and image attachments

I’m really really annoyed. All this while I was under the impression that Yahoo! mail displays thumbnails of jpg/gif attachments in email. Today I was reading few of my mails on yahoo and the page just went on and on and since I’m on a sucky link, this went on for more then 20 min. I did not realize this was happening as I was on an another browser tab trying to figure out why the other pages were loading slow. Then when the page finally loads, I right click on the thumbnail and select ‘Show Image’ and voila the whole image pop’s up.

So folks at Yahoo!, if you are listening (and I know you guys are) either show a link to the image or *generate* a thumbnail and then display the image. Never fool users into loading a 2MB file just to show them a 10×10 sized image. There seems to be some evil js issues with Yahoo! news as well.


  1. Anonymous · April 30, 2005

    Yup. It sucks

    Its painful feature(bug). high time that they *generate* the thumb nails.

    Gmail does this neatly!


  2. sugarbear365 · May 1, 2005

    Nameste and hello,

    My name is Shawna and I’m a 26 year-old girl from the state of Wisconsin in the USA. I’m extremely interested in India’s culture so I did a random search through LJ to find some Indian friends and came across your LJ. I enjoy listening to Indian music, Kalpana Chawla is my role model, and I know a little Hindi. I’d love to get to know you. If you’re interested, feel free to add me as a friend on your friend’s list. Hope to hear from you soon…

    Upna khyal rakhna…

  3. admin · May 2, 2005

    Hi Shawna,
    nice to meet you. I see you are really crazy about Kalpana Chawla. I kinda know her sister here in India. She is active in one of the mailing lists that I’m in.

    Where are you originally from and what do you do now ?

  4. sugarbear365 · May 2, 2005

    Hi again Kalyan,

    That’s cool you know Kalpana’s sister through a mailing list. In fact, I’m friends with Kalpana’s niece-in-law (Kalpana’s husband’s niece). We’ve been friends for 2 and a half years!!! Being friends with her niece-in-law makes me feel like I’m close to Kalpana in a way…Feel free to add me to your friend’s list if you’d like. May I add you to mine?


  5. sugarbear365 · May 2, 2005

    I’m originally from Wisconsin. I was born in Arizona and was raised there until I was 2, then moved to Wisconsin with my Mom after my parents got divorced. I’ve been living here in Wisconsin ever since!!!


  6. sugarbear365 · May 2, 2005

    By the way, I work 12 hour shifts in a printing company. I’ve been working there for 8 and a half years…I bind magazines and catalogs…
