Ranganathittu and Mysore zoo

Traveled to Ranganathittu and Mysore zoo last sunday along with my newly armed film camera. I shot my first 2 rolls of slide film and I am pretty happy with the results. The development and scanning costed me a bomb and the pictures are slightly underexposed and the contrast was too high ( this was due to the slide film I shot with ).

The above picture was taken using my Nikon F80 with elitechrome kodak Slide film. Rest of the pictures along with the pictures from my Nikon D70 are here.


  1. irq2 · August 11, 2004 Reply

    Um, the “here” link needs to be fixed…

  2. code_martial · August 11, 2004 Reply

    Did you touch it up with some software?

  3. admin · August 11, 2004 Reply

    thanks.. forgot the http://

  4. admin · August 11, 2004 Reply

    Just increased the brightness.. the scans were done really bad.

  5. code_martial · August 11, 2004 Reply

    But the colours are really good

  6. admin · August 11, 2004 Reply

    Thats the slide film. Personally I think the colors were a bit too right.. I should have used a less contrats film.. but anyway glad you liked it 🙂

  7. milin · August 11, 2004 Reply

    really really nice….

    the photos are really good…..

  8. amoghavarsha · August 11, 2004 Reply

    I dint know scans could provide such crispy images, WOW! to that, and the images are really sharp and lack that dotty tinge that usually non-SLR digicams produce.

  9. sriramb · August 11, 2004 Reply

    Touching up

    You have quite a few keepers in this set. Try a little bit of unshrp mask using PS or PS elements, and they’ll really stand out sharp.

  10. mujib · August 12, 2004 Reply

    Excellent photographs. Thanks.

  11. kingsly · August 12, 2004 Reply

    Hey how about organising a slide show, so that we can see the real thing ?

  12. admin · August 12, 2004 Reply

    as in physical slide show ??

  13. admin · August 12, 2004 Reply

    Re: Touching up

    Do you know exactly unsharp mask does ?? I just know it increases the contrast at the edges.. and any tips on the most optimal values for the radius/amount/thrushold ? ( btw I have no clue what each one of them are )

  14. kingsly · August 12, 2004 Reply

    Yeah… haven’t seen any new slides in over 12 years now I think… a couple of years ago I managed to control my urges and pass a chance to buy some new 3D-Viewmaster discs.(It definitely helped that I was running short on $$$)

    Or maybe once you have shot a few more rolls!

  15. admin · August 12, 2004 Reply

    Re: Touching up

    Found a nice tutorial here : http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/understanding-series/understanding-usm.shtml

    Will play with and see if anything good comes out.

  16. admin · August 12, 2004 Reply

    heh.. let me have enough rolls buddy.. and since its pricy.. I think it’ll take a while 😀

  17. simig · August 12, 2004 Reply

    Hi Kalyan,

    Lovely photographs!! You’ve inspired me enough to sign-up for some photography courses.

    While I’m at this, I couldn’t resist:
    – The crocs in your pictures look like alligators to me.
    – The tiger-fight looks like playtime and
    – Tongue is spelt T O N G U E (not T O N G E).



  18. admin · August 12, 2004 Reply

    – The crocs in your pictures look like alligators to me.
    They are infact crocs..I did verify. – http://www.karnatakatourism.com/wildlife/rangan/rangan.htm

    – The tiger-fight looks like playtime and


    – Tongue is spelt T O N G U E (not T O N G E).

    Heh I realised I had a typo while I was uploading the pics.. was too lazy.. prob will change it sometime 😀

  19. simig · August 12, 2004 Reply

    >They are infact crocs..I did verify.
    I can’t get over this croc-gator thing because I’m just back from viewing gators in the wild…. I know gators are found mainly in North America but you can’t be desicive about what you find in a zoo…Hence the doubt. Thanks for the clarification.

    And for heaven’s sake go get your 40 winks!!

  20. admin · August 12, 2004 Reply

    Btw the croc pics I took are wild ones. 🙂

  21. simig · August 12, 2004 Reply

    Oh I understand…. I don’t know of many people who keep tamed crocs!

  22. themadman · August 13, 2004 Reply


    It’s so bright and saturated that it looks like it could’ve been a photoshop cut n’ paste job

  23. sriramb · August 13, 2004 Reply

    Re: Touching up

    i took one of your tiger shots and tweaked it in PS CS. notice how it stands out after adjusting curves and applying unsharp mask. enjoy!

  24. admin · August 13, 2004 Reply

    Re: Touching up

    Nice…. very nice… care to share what settings did you use in unsharp mask ? 😀

  25. sriramb · August 13, 2004 Reply

    Re: Touching up

    see attached screenshot…..

  26. thaths · August 16, 2004 Reply

    Re: Touching up

    How did you arrive at these settings? Is it just a matter of experiementing with various values till you hit the right one? Any rules of thumbs?

  27. simig · August 17, 2004 Reply


    Hey Kalyan,

    You did inspire me enough. I signed up for a beginner’s photography course today. Thanks, thanks….


    P.S.: Any luck with finding your camera?

  28. sriramb · August 18, 2004 Reply

    Re: Touching up

    sorry for the late reply. This should answer your question:
    Link 1

    Link 2

    in a nutshell, it’s enhancing contrast in the edges, thus giving the illusion of sharpness.

    hope this helps.

  29. sunson · August 31, 2004 Reply

    AMAZING colours. But I have to keep telling myself “yeah, its a slide”. 🙂 Very nice photograph.

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