Fastest lap @ Speedzone

Like any other software company, we had the team outing today ( my actual team is very small here.. but I come under a bigger team within the company ) which was karting at speedzone followed by dinner.

I’m amazed by the quality of SpeedZone. The track is really big and the karts have 13 horsepower engines instead of the 7 horsepower ones that you find elsewhere. Since the karts were powerful, it did not matter if I raced with a person who was 30kg’s lighter them I am .Surprisingly I made it to the finals and I managed to come 1st along with the best lap of the evening.

Apparently the fastest lap ever set at this track was 58 seconds and I managed a 61 second best-lap. I think I’ll go there again this weekend just to break the speed record there.

If you are from PESIT/PPR you’ll find this pic of Vijayan interesting. He races pretty well too 🙂


  1. kingsly · August 4, 2004 Reply

    How are the safety measures there ? helmets elbow/knee pads /jackets ?

  2. mmk · August 4, 2004 Reply

    Awesome pic dude

    Many thanks!

  3. kewldeaf · August 5, 2004 Reply


    You are going to emulate M S Satyu . Your photos have a class of their own. Brilliant anna!

  4. prady · August 5, 2004 Reply

    Now , the other guys must have been really really slow.:-) . g,d & r.

  5. fox2mike · August 5, 2004 Reply

    ROFL, I’ll second that hehe

    g,d & r as well.

  6. prady · August 5, 2004 Reply

    I beat Kalyan once , I dont whether he’s gotten better or the general standards have been lowered.

  7. the_elcid · August 5, 2004 Reply

    Re: awesome!

    ur talking abt director M S Satyu.

  8. kingsly · August 5, 2004 Reply

    Or Speedzone resets it’s fastest lap times everynight… 😉

  9. madhav · August 5, 2004 Reply

    Oh, you had a lap top. Congrats!

  10. mythrocks · August 5, 2004 Reply

    If you are from PESIT/PPR you’ll find this pic of vijayan interesting. He races pretty well too 🙂

    incredible… thanx for the pic…

    must be awesome to have him in the group, eh?

  11. irq2 · August 5, 2004 Reply

    I think I’ll go there again this weekend just to break the speed record there.

    We ( and myself) were planning to go there this Saturday. What time are you planning to go there? If the timings match, we can probably meet up. We were planning somewhere around noon.

  12. admin · August 5, 2004 Reply

    hehe when I said I could race with people who were 30KG’s under my weight.. I was talking about you.

    We should race here.. the only reason you won was coz you were lighter and those 7HP engines.. cannot pull me fast enough

  13. admin · August 5, 2004 Reply

    Only helmet. I don’t think we shall ever see the whole set here in bangalore 🙁

  14. admin · August 5, 2004 Reply

    Heh yeah.. Now he sits in my cube as there is no space in office.. so we end up having these long chats about MS, people , Life and everything else 🙂

  15. admin · August 5, 2004 Reply

    Sat will be too crowded.. I was planning on friday.. but let me see.. I will leave you a message when I confirm with others about the timing.

  16. yathin · August 5, 2004 Reply

    We still have not raced … we were supposed to go there like 3 months ago … remember? 😐

  17. kingsly · August 5, 2004 Reply

    The place I went to while in Delhi(someplace on the way to Ghaziabad)… used to provide Helmets and Elbow Pads… but they make you sign a declaration that they won’t be liable for any accidents/injuries/death etc.
    (I wonder if such a declaration will also void any accident/life insurance policies that you may have.)

    While most of the crowd is pretty cool… at times we have these morons who intentionally crash into you.

    The karts in UAE were much better(safer) looking than the ones in Delhi… and they provided a lot of gear too… unfortunately couldn’t get to ride them as I was part of a HUGE group visiting a water theme park. 🙁

  18. krishi · August 5, 2004 Reply

    kallu, how abt carrying over our sport rivalry from the pool table to the track? 😉 I’ll come a bit drunk so that there’s a close competition 😛

    ps: BTW, have you found your new rival in pool?

  19. admin · August 5, 2004 Reply

    yes yes.. will ping you offline.. you and me need to settle the race 😉

  20. admin · August 5, 2004 Reply

    You bet. I’ll give you a call before we go.

    and thanks to you.. I don’t play pool anymore.. forget catching someone to play at night.. I don’t even find people in office anymore

  21. nithya · August 5, 2004 Reply

    say kalyan… what about a race between us???

  22. admin · August 5, 2004 Reply

    Good driving is also about driving safe :p

    and yeah.. we can settle it at the karting place 😉

  23. Anonymous · July 31, 2006 Reply

    chemistry, finance, C++ and go-karting??? what a combo man! I was at PPR and loved the course and The God of course….any idea where he is right now?

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