A family wedding
For the last month or so, I have been busy with the wedding in my family. Its my only sister Satya’s marriage. The wedding happened the day before in Vizag in the traditional south indian style. After the wedding my sister left with the new family and she will move to singapore soon to settle down there.
I have had a very funny relationship with my sister. Till I was 16 years old, we were moving places every 2 years or so and since moving is tough on your friendships, we had a very special relationship. (Btw she is about 3 years younger to me. ) Since friends came and went, we were the best buddies and shares the younger years together a lot.. playing, fighting, school and all the usual stuff. Once we moved to Bangalore in 1994, we started living different lives. Soon I was in college and I had my friends circle and also my interests and stuff started to diviate from what she did. Even our tastes in movies, music etc changed too. Once she went though college, we were totally different people and we had our own friends circles and we were living our own different lives though we shared the same home.
The last few years have been even more different. I have been barely at home and hence have hardly been spending time with her. and before I knew it , She is married now. Till she was around never really paid attention, but now that she is gone (to a new family) I suddenly feel this void. Its a weird feeling but feeling sad that she is gone and will only be seeing her once every year. Though we have been hardly sharing our lives, there is this sudden emptiness in the family.. 4 have come down to 3 for the 1st time in our lives.
This marriage has also made me think and appreciate my parents too. I have never given them any credit or helped them in anyway, but they have been the most understanding and encouraging parents I could ever wish for. They are going though the funny phase in life when they have to give away their daughter in the traditional indian way. I can see it in their eyes when I see them now. I don’t know how it will be for them when I move away too.
The last few days have made me appreciate marriages too. I really never liked the big marriages and all the things and mess that goes into it. But I think about it differently now.

Anil Kumar and Satya
>>”4 have come down to 3 for the 1st time in our lives. “
why not say, 4 has become 5 now including your bro-in-law? ð
Bro-sis relation is always an amazing one and am sure the distance cant part you both…
Awesome! And congratulations on growing up ð
You’ve indeed started thinking differently ð
Man, she looks a lot like you! Best wishes to her and Anil Kumar.
Hey!! Though I don’t know your sister, she is a friend of a friend.. and when I saw her she reminded me so much of you!! To know now that she is your own sister! small world..
Best wishes for the couple.
“…when I move away too.” didn’t get that part! :O
Congrats to your sis!
And btw, you two look almost exactly the same! Infact, seeing the pic first time, I almost thought that was you in a saree! ð
Congrats to your sister and Anil. The facial expressions of your sister and your profile picture is almost similar and terrific.
As for the parting part, that is life. I felt this void when I went to states away from my parents. Though not fiercely emotional, somehow tears escaped my eyes as I saw a tearful mom waving to me at the airport. Scary stuffs.
Congrats to Satya and Anil! Marriage is a thing that is often difficult to commit to, but it pays off big time! Take it from a satisfied customer. ð
And dude – she got married, she didn’t go “poof” in a cloud of smoke! ð And with the way this world has been shrinking, like a wool sweater in the rain, you are literally always only a couple of hours away from her.
Think positive – you now have a permanent pad in .sg! Money saved on acco is money to spend on new lenses :p
About your newly awakened family awareness…
It often takes an event like this to help you evolve chronologically (aka “grow up”). You suddenly sit up and wonder how you could have failed to notice things all this time.
Make the most of your new found awareness, and apply those feelings to things/people around you, especially your near and dear ones. God knows that this is the time when they need you the most!
A new phase of life as everyone says.. its like missing our college days.. Suddenly we wonder why have we grown up so fast ð
Congratulations to Satya and Anil.
I will agree with all the people who talked about how similar the two of you look. It’s almost striking.
Congratulations and best wishes for your little sister.
That is a beautiful tribute to your sister, and family. Congratulations to all.
Congrats and best wishes to the couple.
congratulations to Satya and Anil wish them a happy married life.
Best wishes for the couple!
Nicely written
Congrats to you and your parents and Wishing your sis and her hubby a very happily married life. She bears an uncanny resemblance to you. ð
Congrats to your sister and b-in-law.
PS: All this while based on your looks and name I had assumed you were a North Indian.
Congratulations. If I am not wrong, I have met her during our Perspectives exhibition. All the best to her.
Yep. How have you been man? Long time no hear
Am a hard core gult ð
I have been doing great. Yes, long time. I will catch you up sometime.
If your sister reads this, she might be thinking the same way.
What a great post….I was feeling rather awkward about coming to the reception because I don’t know your sister..but now I feel I should come!
I don’t think you *didn’t* appreciate your parents, it’s just that you didn’t think about it…!
And…I agree with the person who says, think of it as 4 becoming 5..perhaps 3 under the parental roof, but the family has actually increased, I would think!
When my daughter married, it was a fact that KM and I got 4 more people as family! She may live halfway around the world, but she brought some very nice people into our lives.
And..your sister…did your mother use a Xerox machine after you were born, with a special switch set to “girl” instead of “boy”?
We will come over (no hesitation now) and wish her the very best.
Hmm…Congratulations to the couple. I went through the same feelings couple of years back and I understand what it all means. Fortunately, my sister stays in Bangalore and visits us often and may be its not that much of a void here.
Anyways it just a matter a time :). Very well written.
-Pramod Viswanath
Best wishes
Best wishes for newly married couple.
Now it is your turn ð Did you complain recently (this year) you had sleeping problems ð
ā°ēāąā°āą ā°Īāąā°ļāąā°āą ā°āąā°°āą!!
Hey kallu,
you appreciate marriage(s) ( and things surrounding it) when you are invovled, and guess its time you took the plunge too:-).
Will eagerly wait for the post – “Family Wedding -II”
kallu, is this pic (http://kalyanvarma.net/photography/photo.php?id=425&tag=Mammals) ur’s? Cicada resorts has a bunch of postcards where this pic is there. So you sold them the pic?
Hey Kallu,
Congrats to you sister..I can imagine what your parents must be feeling..Happened to my parents during my wedding..
BTW my relationship with my bro became must stronger post wedding..we communicate more .
I keep telling Arv that having a sibling is God’s second gift to you.Well the first in the list are ‘Parents’.:P Well came to this conclusion much before we became parents ourselves .Peace
You remind me so much of Lisa, which is good because, even though I don’t want to forget Lisa, now I know I never will.