Finally my Photo Gallery

Last month, after the Wildlife Award, I’ve seen a big spike in users coming to my site via search engines, looking for my photographs. Except for the photographs on my blog, I really did not have anything more. So I tried to play around with few open-source gallery systems.

Almost all the OSS gallery’s are geared for travel photography, in the sense all of them have a directory style hierarchy and you are suppose to categorize your pics accordingly and place them in their respective folders. Since my pictures are wildlife ones, I wanted feature where, people can browse pictures by location, by species, or by photo type (like landscape etc).

This being the Web 2.0 age, tags are the obvious choice (Tags make a lot of sense for types of data, which you cannot query directly like photos and videos). Not a single OSS gallery system support tags in a decent way. I also want every picture to be a story, which lot of gallery system don’t let me do in a nice way. So I decided to write one myself. I’m still fixing up the rough edges, but after spending 3 weeks on it, I think it’s good enough for a public beta release. (I’m yet to package the code though)

So there : Wildlife Photography Gallery

Would appreciate feedback, on the gallery (no feature requests please), the photos and the presentation. I’ve written about every picture too, so try going beyond the thumbnail pages.
The Kanha Trip pictures are up along with my Portfolio


  1. praveenkumarg · January 5, 2006 Reply

    The pictures are awesome though the site lets down a bit…
    The navigtion can be improved…Pickup some open source if you cant find time to do it yourself…No offense though 🙂

  2. krishkumar · January 5, 2006 Reply


    Have been waiting for a long time for this gallery!! Thanks.

  3. admin · January 5, 2006 Reply

    Can you suggest a better navigation system ?

  4. mmk · January 5, 2006 Reply

    Just a couple of thoughts

    If you are getting a bunch of visits from folks, you may want to :
    – add adsense/ypn to them to get some $$ back for the bandwidth etc
    – make them more Search Engine friendly

    I also think that the watermark is a bit conservative, but that’s your call. I’m sure you could get a subtle one that overlays the greater part of the picture. Dude, people will reuse pics – you need to take precautions now. (sigh, being paranoid to the ex-paranoid 😉 )

    But yeah, overall, looks good.

  5. admin · January 5, 2006 Reply

    Re: Just a couple of thoughts

    I think ads will kill the whole look and feel of the whole thing. Will stay away from it for now. Want to put it on my LJ, but LJ does not allow me to embed JS.

    As for the copyright watermark, I have only done it on 50% of the pics. Still need to add them to the rest. But I don’t want to make it any bigger, coz that will start to abstruct the pciture. Even if someone does crop off the existing water mark, the resoltion of the images is not good enough for them to be useful for anyone.

  6. simplesand · January 5, 2006 Reply

    Awesome pics.
    this is usability aspect.
    Averytime we select something from dropdown on the search page (1), it leads to respective gallery(2). Thats good.
    May be a sliding seacrh menu from ur (2)results page wld help people not go back to the page 1, to navigate to other pages.

  7. Anonymous · January 6, 2006 Reply

    wild photography gallery

    absolutely awesome photographs!!!

  8. eddd · January 6, 2006 Reply

    Haven’t looked around too much, but it looks like drupal would’ve served your purpose.

    Taking drupal and hacking around a bit, that is.

    Did you evaluate it before writing your own stuff?

  9. admin · January 6, 2006 Reply

    Good point. Just took care of that. Will make few more changes later today.

  10. praveenkumarg · January 6, 2006 Reply

    Sorry if you got me wrong…I am not trying to criticize you on anything.
    Yesterday I noticed that theres no way to go back to the initial pages. So thought of letting you know 🙂

  11. tariquesani · January 6, 2006 Reply

    That would be like using a cannon to kill a fly :-O, I am sure that all of the scripts which Kallu is using are a total less than 50Kb (if they are not then I would like to look at them)

  12. eddd · January 6, 2006 Reply

    Ouch, I was solely looking at the feature requests he’s getting and thinking how easily doable + maintainable this would be in drupal – without thinking how huge it would be in the first place 😐

  13. admin · January 6, 2006 Reply

    hehe no no.. am not taking this in a wrong sense 🙂 I not only want to know if its good or bad, but also want to know what would people prefer if they do not like current system. Because since I built it, I’m sure I;m missing some obvious things. Right now I put the drop down in the thumbs page.. let me know if you think something more is needed

  14. admin · January 6, 2006 Reply

    Lot less then 50kb infact 🙂 I agree with you to an externt.. this is a very very specific app.

  15. admin · January 6, 2006 Reply

    Honesly, i cannot comment on drupal, coz I have not tried it. But I have seen lot of sites done with it and I think it has a good promise as a good CMS. But as tarique said, it just could be an overkill for what I’m doing now

  16. praveenkumarg · January 6, 2006 Reply

    oh thanks…
    Anyway you may try and do something like this.

  17. admin · January 6, 2006 Reply

    I like what this chap has done.. but think it will be overkill for my site presentation. I like it the way it is. But I think I will use this guys css for slideshows or something

  18. eddd · January 6, 2006 Reply


    btw, if you don’t mind a hand to handle feature requests, then ping.

  19. Anonymous · January 6, 2006 Reply

    Great Job but one suggestion

    Hi Kalyan,

    I have been following your site for a while now, Great Job!!. By the way, Congratulations on bagging the Sanctuary ABN AMRO Wildlife Photographer of the year 2005 title. I think it is a difficult task for one to understand what one’s passion is, and what could give him the ultimate satisfaction in life. But you have realized what makes you truly happy, and also started progressing towards it. I wish you good luck in all your endeavors.

    Well, regaring the Photo Gallery, the one improvement I thought could help the users was to display the option selected in the drop down box. For instance if I select BR Hills and then select the Type as Best, it is not clear to me if my previous selection of BR Hills is still filtering the content or if it is just the type Best filter. Hope this helps.


  20. riotofreasons · January 8, 2006 Reply

    Hi Kalyan,

    The gallery is brilliant. I have been a silent reader of your blog for some time now. Wishing you great success in your future. Hope you will be able to motivate more and more people to take up the cause of nature appreciation and conservation

  21. 1pari · January 9, 2006 Reply

    yups Nice One K 🙂

  22. deponti · January 10, 2006 Reply

    I apply for the post…

    Didn’t realize you would post the gallery so fast on LJ…otherwise I would have corrected some of your spellings/grammar. I hereby apply for the post of proof-reader for the text part. Would take me no time at all and would not detract from your amazing photographs. Er…spell-check doesn’t always help! You need a person from the older generation as the new generation is so much into SMS and shortening words for the computer (shrtng wds 4 comp, as they would say) that grammar,syntax and spellings are increasingly forgotten.

    …But grammar and spellings are piddle compared to the real thing…the photographs!

  23. Anonymous · January 10, 2006 Reply

    hello kalyan varma …

    hi there, u have a great thing goin here. first of all congrats on ya winning the “photographer of the year award” its quiet somethin isnt it ? cheers !
    abt that nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis fella, i was plain lucky, during a survey with a scientist friend of mine who could recog the calls and followed it to find it underground. it makes the call only during its mating season just after our monsoon (like many frogs i guess). this was in the karian shola next to topslip (u been there with arumugam ! say hi to him the next time u around or may be i’ll see ya there)

    will see u around … take care. wish u all the best !

    suresh ganapathiappan

  24. admin · January 11, 2006 Reply

    Re: I apply for the post…

    I had to put it out for lot of reason 🙂

    Will get in touch with you. Are you back in town ?

  25. Anonymous · January 11, 2006 Reply

    the gallery is great.
    it would be good adding the “comment” feature for viewers so that viewers can comment or discuss on any photo. something like here at:
    The tags feature is excellent.


  26. admin · January 11, 2006 Reply

    People can already post comments in my journal :). I will mostly have a generic guestbook for people to drop in somehting. I think the page will get quite messy with comments on every picture.

  27. Anonymous · January 11, 2006 Reply

    you can set all comments to hide.. and users can select to show if they need. anyways, itz not a necessity. i hope to implement ur tags idea. thankz for that!


  28. shortindiangirl · January 12, 2006 Reply

    Birthday boy

    Happy birthday Kalyan. I met you approximately a year ago. Wish I could be back in the peaceful forests amidst nature and the essentials rather than in the midst of a commercial, capitalist American lifestyle… but oh well, life is still good.

    So much has changed for you in the past year. Your photography has taken off. Life has become more defined and taken a new direction. You’ve gained some peace and knowledge, cynicism and skills. And you’re on your way to becoming famous without even really trying to do so.

    Happy birthday. I’m glad my parents have stayed in touch with you.

  29. ravi · January 13, 2006 Reply

    happy birthday dude! :))

  30. grecianurn · January 13, 2006 Reply

    Happy birthday! Hope it’s fabulous.

  31. jackol · January 13, 2006 Reply

    Happy Birthday man! 🙂

  32. madhav · January 13, 2006 Reply

    Hey, happy birthday!

  33. suku · January 13, 2006 Reply

    Wish you many happy returns of the day. Be good 🙂

  34. admin · January 14, 2006 Reply

    thank you. Non stop partying for 18 hours.. how do you except me to be good ? 😉

  35. admin · January 14, 2006 Reply

    thanks dude. we should plan out meetup 🙂

  36. admin · January 14, 2006 Reply

    thanks dude 🙂

  37. admin · January 14, 2006 Reply

    thank you. Noel threw me a sexy party which lasted longer then I could handle 🙂

  38. admin · January 14, 2006 Reply

    Re: Happy Birthday

    Hey dude, I have no clue of Microsoft stuff

  39. admin · January 14, 2006 Reply

    Re: Birthday boy

    thanks a ton for that wishes. Last year has been the 1st of many things and all of them have worked out well. Let’s see what this year hold for me.

    Are you folks coming down sometime ?

  40. yellareddy · January 16, 2006 Reply

    Re: Happy Birthday

    O……again i gont kno if u remember me.
    If u remember Thank go……..U remember….
    This link will tell u my details……..
    Not much time to blog……….
    Me totally in to MSDN as of now.
    Neways thanks for the reply….
    Happy Sankranti.

  41. Anonymous · January 19, 2006 Reply

    Photo Contest

    Hi Kalyan, Belated congratulations.

    I found this floating around and thought you might be interested…

    The Shell Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition Is Now Open for Entries. Closing Date 31st March 2006.

    # to MENTION:

    1. Copyright
    You must be the sole author and owner of the copyright for all images entered. By entering your images into the competition, you grant to the Natural History Museum a non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable licence to use and reproduce the images for any purpose in connection with the competition including, but not limited to, the following purposes:
    2. judging the competition

    * display at the exhibition of the winning entries held at the Natural History Museum and within the UK and international tours following the competition
    * inclusion within the Wildlife Photographer of the Year book and magazine or similar
    * inclusion within promotions organised by selected media partners (to include BBC Wildlife Magazine)
    * inclusion (if selected as one of the promotional images) within the Natural History Museum’s marketing and promotional materials (including press packs) for the exhibition or touring exhibition
    * use on merchandise to be sold by the Natural History Museum
    * For the avoidance of doubt, the Owners will choose images from the winning images for the purposes of promoting and marketing the exhibition (and for use on merchandise). In addition, you grant the Natural History Museum the right to sub-licence images to (i) the press for reproduction in connection with the exhibition and (ii) for use by the title sponsor of the exhibition for its non-commercial purposes.

    otherwise, enjoy.

    sidsiva at gmail dot com

  42. Anonymous · February 9, 2006 Reply

    I thought the captions were great!

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