2006 and random things …

It’s been almost a month since I’ve last updated. December has been a very busy month and something or the other kept me busy.
Random things in no particular order

  • I finally decided to write my own gallery scripts. I’ve played around with so many of them, but all of them fell short. All of them use the concept of ‘Albums’ which does not work for me. Wrote a gallery system from scratch which uses tags for everything. I should have it up and running in a week (and this time I promise)
  • Got myself the Maxtor 250GB disk. No more dealing with zillion CD’s
  • Sushanth got me hooked on to World of Warcraft. I’m glad the subscription ran out on 31st else it would have destroyed my life. MMORPG’s can get seriously addictive
  • It’s nice to have all the old friend in town again this season. Lot of parties and meetups.
  • Work life is getting more and more busy. I hope I still find my free time to make those forest trip and work on my personal projects.

Remember the famous line “When was the last time you did something for the first time ?”
Well, 2005 was all about firsts and it has been the best year of my life so far. This year, I will need to work hard to keep all those firsts going and make sure none of them die out.


  1. madhav · January 2, 2006 Reply

    Speaking of zillion CDs, do you have any of mine with you, through our mutual fussy friend?

  2. admin · January 2, 2006 Reply

    Oh yes.. some 20 odd, still sitting in a packed cover which I was to deliver to you few year ago :). Lets meetup sometime, what say ?

  3. madhav · January 2, 2006 Reply

    Sure thing. Lunch sometime this week? Thursday? Are you hanging out on Bannerghetta Road? You know where I am, want to come visit me at your alma mater? 🙂

  4. deponti · January 2, 2006 Reply

    If on Bannerghatta Road…

    Hey, do call if you are planning to be here anyway….would love that sneak peek!

  5. tariquesani · January 2, 2006 Reply

    How much did the 250GB cost you?

  6. khoj · January 2, 2006 Reply

    Happy New Year!


    Happy New year!
    Yup May 2006 be better than ’05!

  7. tariquesani · January 2, 2006 Reply

    Kewl! and as a second thought why don’t you dump everything on to flickr if tags and photostream are what you want

  8. admin · January 2, 2006 Reply

    This is like asking why use your own pop account when you have hotmail and why pay for webhosting when there is geocities.

    For me photography is a lot about presentation too and even gallery did not do it the way I wanted it to. 🙂

  9. tariquesani · January 2, 2006 Reply

    >For me photography is a lot about presentation too
    Exactly and that is why tags and photostreams do not cut it for me…

  10. admin · January 2, 2006 Reply

    I think tags are really important. I’m not a crazy web 2.0 guy who wants tags for everything, but for non-text data like photos and video’s, tags are the future. Anyway you will see what I mean in few days 😀

  11. tariquesani · January 2, 2006 Reply

    Waiting 😀 FWIW my new project uses tags, streams and sets…

  12. vipul · January 2, 2006 Reply

    $250!! I bought a Seagate 250GB for INR 5900 (approx $135) about 3 months back.

    Happy New Year! Looking forward to your photo management project. Do release it somewhere 🙂

  13. jd_knight · January 2, 2006 Reply

    …and how the year started :-p

    Remember how we rolled into 2005 in ur car? at the stroke of 12, we just wished each other a good year ahead 🙂

    Sigh. Seems like yesterday!

  14. admin · January 2, 2006 Reply

    Forgot to mention that mine is an external and extremely fast one 🙂

  15. admin · January 2, 2006 Reply

    Re: If on Bannerghatta Road…

    I have bunch of meetings tomorrow. Will do on wed

  16. vipul · January 2, 2006 Reply

    Oh external is bound to be more expensive 🙂

    Mine is ST3250823A.

    # hdparm -t /dev/hda
     Timing buffered disk reads:  170 MB in  3.01 seconds =  56.43 MB/sec
  17. vipul · January 2, 2006 Reply

    I made it “external” by using a USB 2.0 IDE HDD Casing available at INR 650 only 😀 Works well enough!

  18. skjaidev · January 3, 2006 Reply

    Woah thats expensive, I got a 300GB Seagate for 130$.

  19. skjaidev · January 3, 2006 Reply

    Yes, it was external.

  20. admin · January 3, 2006 Reply

    Spec ? model no please ? 🙂

  21. anomalizer · January 3, 2006 Reply

    I’ve forked off coppermine for tagging. Basically I put in the tags, summary and description as exif data using the property sheet from windows. So I can carry the photos around and have the description. Then, I’ve got coppermine to pick these.

    The code is lying around *the* hosting server.

  22. anomalizer · January 3, 2006 Reply

    Forgot to add, look at this: http://anomalizer.net/pics/displayimage.php?album=2&pos=0

    The keywords field “San Franciso” “City Hall”. This has become 2 tags: “san_francisco” and “city_hall”

  23. skjaidev · January 3, 2006 Reply

    This one. I got the 16MB buffer one for 199 – 60$ on black friday 😉

  24. jace · January 3, 2006 Reply

    Re: …and how the year started :-p

    We rolled in 2006 just sitting there and chatting. Then we got hungry and at 2am, made a second round of dinner.

  25. admin · January 3, 2006 Reply

    possible to get it here for the same price ?

  26. anshul · January 3, 2006 Reply

    You touched WoW and u survived? Consider urself very fortunate. I have seen some pretty bad cases due to WoW’s addiction. $250 for maxtor is a bit high. See if u can return it and explore other locations for it.

    Happy New Year Kallu. Take care and have an even wonderful year ahead. 🙂

  27. skjaidev · January 3, 2006 Reply

    Here as in India? Dunno, Seagate had a lot of rebates going on over the last two months. Haven’t seen similar stuff here.

  28. Anonymous · January 3, 2006 Reply

    Blog hopped from Soumyadipc’s blog

    Fantastic: love ur work. WOndering what the hell am i doing languishing at my desk.

  29. 1pari · January 3, 2006 Reply


    Happy New Year
    All the BEst for 2006…..

  30. admin · January 3, 2006 Reply

    Re: Blog hopped from Soumyadipc’s blog

    I’m back in the city too.. wondering the same thing 😉

  31. admin · January 3, 2006 Reply

    You into WOW too ? thats nice to know 🙂 When are you coming down boss

  32. Anonymous · January 3, 2006 Reply


    I have been following your site for sometime. I was introduced to your site by one of your friends who is working in the Bandipur resort in March 05. We were talking about life in general and you had called up about the tiger sighting. I could feel the excitment. I had travelled to forests in Karnataka, Kerala and Rajasthan to see a tiger. But never so lucky. I did find my tiger in Ranathambor though :). I do feel happy for you that you are able to do what you want to do with life. Congos on the Wildlife Photographer Award!

    About me…
    It will take a bit more time for me to do what I want. I am a software engineer, shifted to US recently on deplutation but still with my company of last 6 years, native of Vizag, love photography and played chess at intra-university level.


  33. anshul · January 3, 2006 Reply

    I was about to enter it but stopped on time. My poison is CS 1.6; new AOE3 looks cool too. 😛 About to be there very soon now. Just at final stages of things here. 🙂 Miss u ass**** a lot.

  34. admin · January 4, 2006 Reply

    Re: Hey

    Nice to hear from you Sravan. Was I telling Harsha about my sighting ? hehe those were the fun days. Now he is no longer there and I’m in and out of forests now. But I sure hope those days will come again 🙂

    Btw Harsha is on livejournal too

  35. Anonymous · January 4, 2006 Reply

    wildlife fotographer of the year

    hi congrats on that title, beautifully taken pic, stumbled upon ur journal throu yahoo 360 deg somewhere.. Lovely Bird pics especially!

  36. sravann · January 4, 2006 Reply

    Re: Hey

    Yes, it was Harsha. I forget his name. Can you give me Harsha’s link?

    – Sravan.

  37. gooddevil · January 10, 2006 Reply

    speed and net connection!

    Hi Kalyan,

    I am assuming you played WoW in Bangalore! If so which connection did u use? could u give the specs on that pls!
    I would like to try my hands on MMORPG but not yet sure about the connection speeds n related necessities 🙂

    THank u

  38. admin · January 10, 2006 Reply

    Re: speed and net connection!

    I use BSNL data one 256 kbps line. But I have tested it on high-latency, cable links and it works great.

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