Does this picture look familiar ?

It was good enough to win me the ‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year‘ title it seems. Since most of you do not get Sanctuary Magazine, here’s the information that’s been written inside about the front cover:

“Kalyan Varma is the Sanctuary ABN AMRO Wildlife Photographer of the year 2005.
This is his image of a worker ant Harpegnathos saltator assassinating the de-alated queen”

This brilliant and aesthetically beautiful image reveals a worker jumping ant Harpegnathos saltator murdering the queen. The image was shot in Karnataka’s BRT Wildlife Sanctuary in the Southern Western Ghats. The queen had just torn off her own wings after a successful mating and was scouring the forest floor in search for a suitable nest site. To minimise predation, the queens time their exodus from their natal nests only when they are absolutely ready to mate. Thought this de-alated queen was ‘murdered’ a large number of her sisters successfully established nests, thus completing their life’s mission – passing on the colony’s genes.

This is like the ultimate dream for me to win the best wildlife photography award in this side of the world. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’ll win this award and that too the actual ‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2005’ title. Thank you BR hills 🙂

The press conference happened yesterday (now you know why I’m in mumbai) and the awards ceremony is going to happen tonight. If you are in Mumbai, check the front page and page 8 of today’s Indian Express. There’s a half page interview in it (thanks ashbirder for the info). The online version does not have any pictures and they have badly misquoted me everywhere and I *hate* to be called an “IT professional”. It’s come in other papers too it seems. More later …


  1. fovia · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Incredible! How terrific 🙂

  2. Anonymous · December 9, 2005 Reply


    Hi Kalyan

    Congrats on the award & also for the nice shot


  3. Anonymous · December 9, 2005 Reply

    see clicking wildlife is far more interesting than clicking models..of course clicking models has it perks too.hmm which is wilder ??

  4. cyberscorpion · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Awesome Dude !! Congrats

  5. raghav · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Good onya mate, many congratulations.

  6. grecianurn · December 9, 2005 Reply

    That’s wonderful, congratulations! 🙂

  7. anshul · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Whoa….i turn around for a bit and u have changed everything about u yet again! Congrats @**! Hoping for many more to follow after this one and yes, now the expectations are high. =)

  8. kiransatya · December 9, 2005 Reply


    Keep the good work


  9. indumol · December 9, 2005 Reply


    Hey I got up this morning and opened the Indian Express and saw the pic, b4 I read what it was about, I thgt I should let you know that Indian Express was using your pic. I relaxed a bit and read more.

    Congrats, it’s a great pic, I so wanted to make a post about it but work has kept me awfully busy

  10. achitnis · December 9, 2005 Reply

    So are you going to use the prize money to buy yourself a spelling and grammar checker? 🙂

    Congrats (again).

  11. irq2 · December 9, 2005 Reply

    You deserve it, dude!


  12. chandrahasa · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Awesome man… That photo is my favourite… Can I add u as a friend (I have been reading your feed for a while now).

    PS: Im Preethi’s collegue… we met at Foss.(hope u remember)

  13. admin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    HI chandra, do add me. you dont need to ask 🙂

  14. admin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    FOSS.. FOSS.. FOSS.. 😀

  15. admin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Re: Congratulations

    Actually I’m curious too. In the press kit, they had low-res picture. These guys printed a high-res version of it. I just hope they mis-use it anywhere. Do drop in for the exhibition which is being held the next 10 days. I will be there on saturday morning.

  16. admin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Ping me on messenger dude. Havent spoken to you in a LOONG time

  17. admin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Re: Congrats

    Kanha snaps coming soon. Good tiger and swamp deer shots 🙂

  18. admin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    But it will not always pay you for your living 😉

  19. prashanthks · December 9, 2005 Reply

    how much does it ‘pay’ to have photography as a profession?

  20. latelyontime · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Holy mother of everything!
    Now that is something to remember. Awesome work. And many congratulations. Incidentally, I never knew you as an IT professional…only some sort of a legend 🙂

  21. chitra · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Strangely Inspired

    Congrats on this achievment and I wish many more follows. I have been one of your innumerable blog followers , especially your wildlife/photography journey.Never cared to leave a comment. I feel proud about you , just like most of your friends on LJ here feel. I’m sure their comments and encouragement has played a role in your journey and in this achievement. I’m left strangely inspired by your achievement, thanks! . Today, i decide to appreciate your work, when posted by leaving a comment. So what if it is one more of those 100’s of compliments/comments you receive.

  22. admin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    1% of the photographers get paid like crazy. Rest of them get paid dirt. Its even tougher in wildlife

  23. indumol · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Re: Congratulations

    where is the exhihibition, is it in town, I mean in South Bombay?

  24. admin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Re: Congratulations

    Dec 10 – 19th at
    NCPA, Centre for photography as an Art-Form Piramal Gallery, Nariman Point

  25. Anonymous · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Congrats dude !

    Hey Kallu,

    Long time no hear and then I see a piece about you winning a cool award like this one…so is this what you have been up to ?

    Anyways, me will be coming down to b’lore later this month – dec 30th to be precise…can catch up then…

    Congrats again…



  26. milin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Way to Go

    Hey kallu,

    Congrats!!! Amazing stuff……

    Keep at it.


  27. krishna_s_k · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Photos by you and Yathin are always great, congrats!

  28. maxaud · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Congratulations 🙂

  29. shruthirao · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Congratulations! :~)

  30. praveenkumarg · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Congrats on your achievement…
    Hope you achieve many more such awards.

  31. sillifluous · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Congratulations!! I visit your blog quite often to enjoy the breathtaking photography. Keep clicking 🙂

  32. ggollerkeri · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Wow. Truly inspiring. Congratulations.

  33. creamanups · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Thats just wonderful…way to go

  34. suhas · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Awesome! Congrats dude..

  35. mona1610 · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Wish you many more moments of sweet success Kalyan! Big Congrats to you. 🙂

  36. praveenk · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Hey there..congrats 🙂

  37. bipin · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Since no one has congratulated you as yet – congrats man! This is seriously awesome! Or as the wise men of Yahoo! say ‘Good stuff, boss’

  38. Anonymous · December 9, 2005 Reply


    Awesome picture Kalyan. many many congratulations.

  39. simplesand · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Hey Kalyan…
    COngrats doode, I am sure this is going to make every picture you take, explore with more conviction.

  40. hagarth · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Congratulations, dude! Keep on rocking!

  41. Anonymous · December 9, 2005 Reply


    Great Photo, Kalyan!!

    I frequent your site and make sure to view all the photos… They are really amazing… and, of course this prize-winning photo is just awesome…


  42. hserus · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Great pics. You might want to check out this lovely site I stumbled on ..

    Fantastic photographs there. And lots of humor too.

  43. drkishoremurthy · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Well deserved.. Congrats dude!

  44. rohandsa · December 9, 2005 Reply

    Congratulations! I still remember that picture because Noel has it on the wall in her room.

  45. Anonymous · December 9, 2005 Reply



    I have been following ur journal often but never it was too ahrd to resist commenting!

    U r such a motivation!

    Keep it uP!

    Smiles etc.,


  46. Anonymous · December 9, 2005 Reply

    well done.

    first off, congrats. Pictures do tell a 1000 words indeed. Well you have done justice to the 105mm Nikkor lens, or is it the other way around ?!!

    Either way, fantastic shot–very well deserved. By the way, didn’t you participate in the monthly contests held by Better Photography? You had a good chance, competition would have been tough but you would have loved it.

    I hope you send your entries to international online contests too! build that portfolio, NatGeo will knock on your doors soon.

    and yeah, i “pray” to god that you land a nice modelling assignment AND more importantly, that you share the snaps 😀


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