The True Formula1 is back

Thanks to my quick weekend trip to Bangalore, I watched my first Formula 1 race of this season.

Loved the race and I’m glad F1 is fun to watch again. You have new faces at the podium and standing’s order changes after every race. Schumacher’s and Ferrari’s dominance is finally broken thanks to the new kids on the block and amazing work by all the racing teams. I, for one, never expected to see so many overtaking’s at Monaco today and that too at the last few laps. Also hats off to Red Bull team and their funny Star wars costumes.

Go kimi go.

P.S – Did anyone else notice Michael Schumacher cross the yellow line ? Why didn’t the stewards punish him ?


  1. Anonymous · May 22, 2005 Reply

    did schumi cross?

    Did schumi actually cross the line.Rode for some seconds on the line IIRC.After that
    he was well inside the line.But the was for the second position.Raikkonens lead just went on increasing.But definitely an eventful race.Many over-takings, one crash, a drive through, Karthikeyan’s early retirement….

  2. admin · May 22, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    But AFAIK, the cars are not even suppose to touch the yellow line.

  3. heavymetalkid · May 22, 2005 Reply

    i guess thats what ” monto carlo” is all about im damn depressed ..
    but i guess its schumi next time on may 28th .. in his ” HOME ” .. thats what he calls it ..

  4. zoombiee · May 22, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    May be the let him go coz he did not gain any advantage from it.

  5. zeeble · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?


    Looks like he was on the line for sometime, and then pulled back onto the pit exit lane quickly.. maybe that’s what saved him. And he came up right behing Barichello, right? What i did’nt figure out was how he managed to get past Barichello :/

    what was amazing was that Montoya and Ralf were 5th and 6th, even though they started right at the back. Nice results, and all thanks to Albers’s Minardi taking a spin and blocking up traffic for ages

  6. Anonymous · May 23, 2005 Reply

    What you can get away with…

    Hello, I am a newbie on this blog! Yawn! oh dear, I would like to insist that all of those incidents including not need be looked into. What I’m looking at is the consistency of the enforcement of the rules…

  7. bchandan · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Interesting! we went to K. Gudi to find you absent! We had no luck to see any leopards 🙁 should satisfy ourselves from the pics you have taken!

  8. fox2mike · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    Actually, that yellow line is there for Safety….he’s not supposed to touch it since there might be faster cars coming down the track on his left…

    I didn’t see most of the race, thanks to a power-cut…but advantage or not, other drivers have been penalized in the past for touching the yellow line.

  9. admin · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    Exactly my point. I know many people who got penalized before and this time schumi got away.

  10. fox2mike · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    Heh. Maybe they didn’t want to screw him over and above what Bridgestone’s already doing 🙂

    PS : I’m a Schumi Fan. *sigh*

  11. admin · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Really sorry about that. I was here coz my friend ‘s wedding was on saturday.

  12. chethana_srao · May 23, 2005 Reply


    Hi Kalyan,

    Hope U remember me. I had mailed U long back.( just in case U have forgotten, I am chethana from PESIT mech 03 passout… i also had told u abt Hemang C S, who I know closely )
    Did read news abt U on the deccan website. I guess U are into photography full time. I like photography and do a bit to; amateur style…
    I also see that U are into F1…I am sure, U are one of those millions who adore Michael Schumacher and his style a lott….. i do watch f1 as well..but love motoGP more…do u like motoGP as well??? The monkey pic is absolutely fantabulous..I guess u have caputured some emotion in that…but I guess could have been better as far as angle of capture is concerned…(U might be thinking…Bitti advice…If U know kannada:-))
    I did come to know abt the Joe Satriani concert from ur blog…really missed that….Hope it was a great show….
    ok, thats it for now…

  13. chethana_srao · May 23, 2005 Reply

    and hey,
    did check out the photos of B’lore on ur website…
    one of them which focuses on the name plate of a BMTC bus…another on the rear view mirror of an auto…
    I was just wondering what could be the background behind these pics….were they just some of those on the spot pics or something with a meaning behind them???
    do reply…

  14. anomalizer · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    Chill, its more about how bitchy the stewards are. Mangny Cours is a strict place. That way you can say that Alonso was blatantly straight lining the the Nouvelle Chicane (the one at the end of the tunnel staight) not once, but many times to dfend his line. Also, what about Karthikeyan changing wheels? The reason was not clear. Overall, the stewards were leinient, nothing to do with pro Schumi in this case
    Hungaroring is another place where the yellow line rule isnot followed strictly

  15. anomalizer · May 23, 2005 Reply

    The True Formula1 is back
    Is is a mere coincidence that you feel so when McLaren wins? 😛

    Btw,me always happy for Kimi despite belonging to the Schumi camp. Poor kid has been scukered by a bad car for most of life. Personally, I believe in him more than I do in Alonso. Alonso is a good defensive driver but not so good a racer when compared to Kimi.

  16. yathin · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: Hi

    I am sure, U are one of those millions who adore Michael Schumacher and his style a lott

    Really? You’ll get killed for it. 😉 As far as I know, kallu is a hardcore McLaren fan.

  17. yathin · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Oh man, when will Montoya learn to drive like Kimi and understand being fastest in one lap is not good enough in Formula 1. Let’s hope he has better luck at the European Grand Prix.

  18. 1pari · May 23, 2005 Reply


    Nopes didnt notice 🙂

  19. admin · May 23, 2005 Reply

    hehe it had nothing to do with McLaren. Infact been following the season from the papers and am delighted to see alonso everywhere. This just happeend to be the 1st one I got to see this season.

  20. admin · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: Hi

    I really want McLaren to win, but I suppost any other teams as long as it’s not painted red 😉

    I think BMW lost it this year, so I don’t care about them too much. Lovely comeback from toyata and would love to see them up there as well.

  21. admin · May 23, 2005 Reply

    hehe no meaning really, but they are meant to be abstract. Just things that you see everyday around you and not realise, they could actually make a nice picture.

    I really miss shooting all that. These days I only shoot in the forests.

  22. admin · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: Hi

    I do remember you.

    I am not really into photography full time, though I do a lot of it. To be honest, I really don’t know myself what I’m upto these days 🙂

    I mostly watch F1. I would love to follow WRC, but rarely have time. Haven’t seen too much of motoGP.

    Where are you now ?

  23. admin · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Yep. I had high hopes for montoya as well.

  24. ashvinm · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Defensive driving is not an easy thing to do. In Imola Alonso never put a foot wrong with a slower and underperforming car under severe pressure.

    Kimi sometimes makes mistakes when under no apparent pressure, last years German GP comes to mind. If he gets it out of his driving then he will become a much better driver. Also, he has to be tested out under some real pressure. Having a faster car and driving away into the distance is one thing, but fighting for a position is a totally different thing.

  25. anomalizer · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: Hi

    Toyota is painted red for the omst part 😛

  26. chethana_srao · May 23, 2005 Reply

    Re: Hi


    I am in Arlington, Texas. 2 semesters done with MS….Rite now whiling away my time as I am having hols….
    How abt u?? In Awesome B’lore…???
    Really miss Bangalore a lott….n how r things in Blore?? Do send me some wildlife pics, if it isnt a prob…

  27. unitedrulez · May 26, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    Rules say that you are supposed to cross the yellow line, Schumy only touched the yellow line briefly but did not cross it (at all times there was some part of his front tyre was in contact with the yellow line)…. But there is no dispute that stewards need more consistency… especially for similar incidents in different circuits being viewed differently….

  28. admin · May 26, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    Nopes. Last year ralf or kimi touched the line and they got the drive through penalty.

  29. unitedrulez · May 26, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    Exactly the point which I was trying to make, consistency in decisions from stewards…

  30. admin · May 26, 2005 Reply

    Re: did schumi cross?

    Oops.. sorry, kinda mis-read your comment.

  31. adityaferrari · May 27, 2005 Reply

    The reason why Schumi wasnt penalised was he was only touching the line and did not cross it ( as mentioned in all the posts earlier )
    The reason KIMI last year touched the line and got penalised, Ralf / Trulli touched the line in 2003 and got penalised DC crossed the line in 2003 and got penalised.. why ?? quite simple
    Ralf / Kimi had position contenders along the same start finish straight hence the penalty : eagerness to get back in front, which resulted in the rule break.
    Trulli had Barrichello ( if my mem serves me rite ) who had just driven past him ( pls note they were not fighting for position but the Iceman was a lap down ) – reason for punishment = dangerous driving : quite fair I’d say
    Now coming back to Schumi : 1) no traffice behind at all 2) the twisty winding circuit of Monaco also makes it difficult to have anyone in the same line of vision as compared to other tracks ( heck even the safety line has two bends in it ) which would have assisted in help Michael get away.

    Ferrari’s high handedness being used for such petty issues – I dont buy that ( people just fail to notice them 😉 )
    I’d rather have them use it for things like getting the two day qualifying system scrapped ( which they successfully did …yippeee ..shhh)
    next up – just wait along for the tyre rule to go kapoot… fortunately ( for the rule ) it will not disappear just yet – this weeks race is in relatively cool climate and possibily in the rain on sat n sun : which means the red swan song will get revived…. Forza Ferrari

  32. admin · May 28, 2005 Reply

    Thanks for clarifying properly. Now it all makes sense 🙂

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