Fucked up Nokia 6600

I spent the whole of last evening trying connect my machine to the net via my new phone (Nokia 6600). Went through almost every doc on the net. Tried gnubox and some other docs but no luck. If anyone does know how to get online from your machine (a non-mac machine) using this phone in India, do buzz me.

This is my last ditch effort. After this the phone goes into trash.


  1. achitnis · May 17, 2005 Reply

    I don’t want to be a killjoy or a “I told you so” kinda guy, but…

    The Nokia 6600 Bluetooth implementation is completely flawed – the dialup networking profile is functional in only in a very limited way, which is why some people (mostly Apple and WinCE users) have been able to get it working.

    The issue is a documented one, and Nokia published a workaround, which was implemented by Apple and a few others, but I am not sure if Windows or Linux ever did – nor do I really see any point to them doing so (Windows, because it would be directly aiding a competitor, and Linux, because very few Linux users use this phone).

    Here is the issue, from an published Nokia document (this is valid as of February 2005):

    Reading incoming stream does not work properly. When the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (RFCOMM protocol) is used, reading incoming stream is sometimes interrupted with IOException. The read() method of the InputStream class may throw an IOException if the other end has closed the stream while the InputStream is still reading it.


    In plain English, and working around Nokia’s obfuscating language – the Bluetooth stack of the Nokia 6600 is foobar.

    This is easy to prove – dialup networking via datacable or IR works flawlessly.

    There *may* be a firmware update out there to fix the issue, but is it worth your time? This bug report is current as of February 2005! Cheaper (or more recent) phones don’t have these problems.

  2. fox2mike · May 17, 2005 Reply

    Your firmware is prolly the absolute latest..I saw a doc that mentioned firmware versions and yours was the latest, and the doc also mentioned that later firmware phone weren’t able to connect as they were “supposed” to. Any chance of de-grading the firmware?

  3. brainz · May 17, 2005 Reply

    you are trashing a N6600? sad, send this way. ;/

  4. 1pari · May 17, 2005 Reply


    hmm no send this way …to me 😀

  5. noelladsa · May 17, 2005 Reply

    Re: no

    Haha ..sorry but both you’ll were a little too late :D..its already coming this way.

  6. skarra · May 17, 2005 Reply

    After this the phone goes into trash.

    Boy! are you lucky or what! The trash can at my place has space just enough for a Nokia 6600.

  7. fox2mike · May 18, 2005 Reply

    Re: no


    Rule of First Preferance kicked in, I guess 🙂

  8. noelladsa · May 18, 2005 Reply

    Re: no

    Hehe yes..first and only ;)..came for the Joe Sat show?

  9. fox2mike · May 18, 2005 Reply

    Re: no

    Oh yeah, forgot the only!

    No, I’ve never heard his stuff before…maybe I should start now…

  10. Anonymous · May 18, 2005 Reply

    I was able to connect! – Heres how..

    Hi Kalyan,

    I was able to connect my 6600 to my PC (and browse the net over it via my broadband connection)!

    I have documented the same at my blog.
    link : http://www.arjunprabhu.com/blog/archives/2005/03/30/nokia-6600-internet-over-bluetooth-how-to/

    I am also able to work with PC Suite and other nokia apps.

    Yes. Even i had struggled quite a lot 🙂 But now it works without any effort.


  11. achitnis · May 19, 2005 Reply

    Re: I was able to connect! – Heres how..

    That’s different. Kallu wants to his phone as a modem to connect his PC to the net, via Bluetooth and GPRS.

    The dialup networking profile of the 6600’s BT implementation is foo bar.

  12. Anonymous · May 20, 2005 Reply

    Bad words


    I visit your website often… well refrain from using foul languages, it doesn’t carry a good image @least for me.



  13. admin · May 22, 2005 Reply

    Re: Bad words

    Heh. I really didn’t know using the four letter word offended people in this day. (atleast when not said directly at a person ).

    Anil, it really depends on your point of view. It’s a common word in the world of blogs and yes, sometimes that how you can describe a really annoying thing. And you know how often I use it anyway 🙂

  14. Anonymous · May 26, 2005 Reply

    Re: Bad words

    English langauge has to be proud of the work “FUCK”.It is the only word in english language that can be used to describe every emotion.U can try some emotion like happiness,sadness,anxiety,embrassement,confusion etc etc….

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