Rocky the leopard is a mother now

Remember Rocky ? Well our Rocky gave birth to a litter of two cubs sometime in the last few days. Today the jeeps have seen the mother playing with the young ones both in the morning and the evening (Just on the day I came back to bangalore on some work). All along when I’ve been seeing her large tummy, I assumed she had a good meal and was resting right after that. I can’t wait to trek through her area in the coming days. I really wish I can see her litter and hopefully get some shots of the cubs.


  1. yathin · May 16, 2005 Reply

    Rocky the name sounds like a male, maybe you should change it to something else! πŸ˜‰

  2. _lv_ · May 16, 2005 Reply

    I think that the leopard in this pic is disturbed by the photographer.. is it u Kalyan!! Be careful..!! haha

  3. admin · May 16, 2005 Reply

    This is when she was just resting and staring at me for more then half and hour. She got really disturbed when somone else in my jeep made some noise. You can see the disturbed her here

  4. shruthi_dipali · May 16, 2005 Reply

    Hey cool.. Hope you get some good pics..

  5. milin · May 16, 2005 Reply

    Looking forward to some really cute pics of even more cute leapord kids…. πŸ™‚

  6. eppendorfs · May 16, 2005 Reply

    Whats the average litter for leopards?

  7. admin · May 16, 2005 Reply

    Anywhere from 1 – 4. Most of the time I think its 2 to 3 and usually only one of them makes it till adulthood.

  8. 1pari · May 17, 2005 Reply

    so sweet …becoming mother

  9. Anonymous · May 17, 2005 Reply

    I stumbled across your lj. Glad I did. Kudos, Kalyan. You seem to have captured a surreal quality in your wildlife photographs. Looking forward to seeing some more the next time I β€˜stumble’ across.

  10. b_mode · May 18, 2005 Reply


    very nice composition!! see if you can crop it a bit…the results may be intersting..great work!!

  11. admin · May 22, 2005 Reply

    Re: composition!!

    Actually this is a cropped version of the picture. the Original is amazing and I really cannot post it online as the leopard will be too small in it. You have to see the 20×30 print of it πŸ™‚

  12. 1pari · May 23, 2005 Reply


    yup becoming a mother or being with (my) mother is one of sweetest & greatest things…

    difference is with latter one u feel most “secure” & content .

  13. Anonymous · June 13, 2005 Reply

    Congrats Kalyan

    did she say, “mein tumhari bache ki maa banne waali hoon”?


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