Look ma, I’m in press again



  1. kewldeaf · May 8, 2005 Reply

    Inspiring ! /me bows down !

  2. sunson · May 8, 2005 Reply

    “Yahoo” (without the exclamation) sounds so dull. ;-L

  3. yathin · May 8, 2005 Reply

    Which was the second training? :-/

  4. eppendorfs · May 8, 2005 Reply

    Congratulations! Impressive and inspiring 🙂

  5. aivalli · May 8, 2005 Reply

    Says Kalyan Varma, who gave up his lucrative job at Yahoo, to become a naturalist and pursue his interest in nature:

    LOL ! I first read it as naturist ! 😉


  6. killapop · May 9, 2005 Reply

    Oye! howdy from urbania!

    pray tell, whats the most naturally occuring form of drinkable booze? toddy?


  7. drkishoremurthy · May 9, 2005 Reply

    can’t be original here.. so I say “cool!” ;P

  8. chikuado · May 9, 2005 Reply


    that sounds really interesting.. btw, any idea how to enroll for the basic course?? i tried sending an email to JLR.. no response..

  9. Anonymous · May 9, 2005 Reply

    hey i read this article! didn’t realise it was you! 🙂

  10. b_mode · May 9, 2005 Reply

    congrats..been following the pictures and the trails so far…quiet an achievement.

  11. deponti · May 9, 2005 Reply

    Could you let us know..

    hi Kalyan! I sent a mail to JLR about the next course but no reply…could you let us know or ask them to do it, when it is likely to happen? We would like to enrol (both Mohan and me.)

  12. 1pari · May 10, 2005 Reply


    KoooooooooooooooL 🙂


    enjoy madi !!!

  13. shradha · May 10, 2005 Reply

    would love to hear more on what ur future plans as of now are.
    planning any trips to africa? that’d also be so very exciting to do!!

  14. just4kalyan · May 14, 2005 Reply

    Great job pal !

    Hiya… I have been ardently following your livejournal for quite some time now… and I just can’t tell you in words how much I got hooked on to you…
    Look forward for more of your adventures… Be safe pal..


  15. admin · May 14, 2005 Reply

    Re: Great job pal !

    I’m amazed that you went on to create just an account to post here. And who would this person from hyd be ? 😉

  16. just4kalyan · May 14, 2005 Reply

    Re: Great job pal !

    Like I’ve already told u, I’m an enthusiastic follower of your journal…
    Friends ??

  17. admin · May 14, 2005 Reply

    Re: Great job pal !

    Yep. but its nice to know who your friends are ? 😉

  18. just4kalyan · May 14, 2005 Reply

    Re: Great job pal !

    Hmmmmm… Lemme see.. This “yet to be” friend, is not so geeky. I have dreams.. dreams with deadlines…My interests – nature, long drives, lonely walks … and many more. I started admiring you for some reason and would love to be your friend. You would know more about me as we interact and that is..IF you are interested…

  19. admin · June 4, 2005 Reply

    there was no second training. AS usual.. the press 🙂

  20. admin · June 4, 2005 Reply

    Re: Could you let us know..

    There is one batch starting later this month. Here’s the info


  21. alok · July 18, 2005 Reply

    Re: Great job pal !

    heh /me thinks she likes you, kalyan!

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