Made it back to Bangalore

After the Air Deccan folks said it would take few hours to get the flight fixed, we (me and my sister) headed into Hyderabad city and wasted out time at a coffee shop in one of the city malls. Luckily there was a scheduled LJ meet of community in the evening. 5 min into it and the airline folks call me up to find out if I was interested in taking the 6:30pm flight to Bangalore. I jumped at it and rushed to the airport (thanks nash_the_basher and premshree for giving us a quick drop to the airport). I was lucky to get a seat in that flight, as the rest of the folks were asked to wait till 10pm.

Before I got back, I had a chance to talk to the pilot of my aircraft which got hit. He said the actual hit was pretty small. Basically the bird left a dent on one of the wings and the issue was really nothing and was no major threat to the flight. He wanted to fly but apparently the dent was 2mm more then the “allowed airline dent limit” and the ground crew refused to give the airline permission to fly unless they fixed the issue. Now to fix the issue, they had to pick up the spare part from Hosur, get it to Bangalore, fly it to Hyderabad and then fix it.

Though they made us wait for hours, I am happy that folks in India take airline safety quite seriously.


  1. hserus · May 2, 2005 Reply

    I wonder how much of that incident was people taking airline safety seriously v/s babus taking stuff as laid down in a rulebook hairsplittingly seriously

  2. eppendorfs · May 2, 2005 Reply

    hehehehe, I like that line:” babus taking stuff as laid down in a rulebook hairsplittingly seriously”… and sometimes they are real serious about it!

  3. eppendorfs · May 2, 2005 Reply

    I must say you have a very simple ,yet addictive style of writing blogs.

  4. hserus · May 2, 2005 Reply

    India learnt redtape bureaucracy from probably the best teachers in the world – the british civil service, pre 1947. Add a huge dose of “parson” .. and you have a tentacular monstrosity that’s extremely good at splitting hairs.

    (parson is a hindi word that’s pronounced like the o has an umlaut on it, means either “yesterday” or “tomorrow”, and is the local equivalent of mañana)

  5. Anonymous · May 2, 2005 Reply

    Air safety is a joke in India

    On the contrary not all airlines take air safety seriously in India, especially private airlines. Since they can’t maintain an inventory of costly parts (these usually have to come from USA,France etc.), the staff is overworked and they don’t have many fallbacks. Its just a miracle that we haven’t had any serious incidents. How do I know?, I come from a long line of people working in the airline industry, grandfather worked in DGCA, father worked in the engineering dept. for a national airline and an uncle’s an engineer working for a private airline and thats all they seemed to be talking about when they got together.

  6. admin · May 2, 2005 Reply

    Re: Air safety is a joke in India

    Any scary incidents you can share ?

  7. nash_da_basher · May 4, 2005 Reply

    He’s been here for over 3 years now. 😉

  8. nash_da_basher · May 4, 2005 Reply

    Pity that you couldn’t stay for longer, but atleast we did take roll call. Now, you’ve officially visited . :o) The meet.

    The pictures will be up soon. By the 6th, pukka.

    Allright to add you to my reading list?

  9. nash_da_basher · May 4, 2005 Reply

    Gaaaaa! I’m not really ghetto or anything; but it’s “da” basher. :”>

  10. Anonymous · May 5, 2005 Reply

    Get back to the jungle !!

    I read your blog quite often as its very interesting with all the adventures. I am sorry to say, but your life in the city is not as exciting as your life in the jungle ( not that your life should revolve around exciting random people on the net ) , but Kalyan get back to BRT and give us back Discovery Channel on the Net !!!

  11. admin · May 5, 2005 Reply

    Re: Get back to the jungle !!

    I miss the forests too. can’t wait to get back. INfact am back tomorrow 🙂

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