My plane got hit

I didn’t think this would ever happen to me, but my plane got hit by a birdie while coming from Vizag. Currently I’m stranded at the hyderabad airport and I should have been in Bangalore by this time. Don’t know when the plane will get fixed, but looks like it will be a long wait. I pity the airline staff. They are taking all kinda abuses from the passengers and some are even accusing the airline of worrying about the security too much.

Thank god Thanks atul for getting me hooked on to GPRS. I hope the plane gets fixed before my laptop battery runs out.

Update (2pm) : Apperenly the flight will not be ready till 9pm. Anyone in hyderabad for a LJ meet ? 😉


  1. mansu · May 1, 2005 Reply

    We have one today at 5:30.
    Prolly you can catch us at barista.
    Call me 9866228330, if your laptop still has power 😉 or look for cyberabad

  2. jace · May 1, 2005 Reply

    Haha, you always have the best experiences.

  3. 1pari · May 1, 2005 Reply


    ooops that’s sad 🙁

  4. praveenkumarg · May 1, 2005 Reply

    Thank God it wasnt a serious hit…
    I get used to see so many of those migs and planes and copters crashing everywhere it really scares me if anyone is boarding a plane.

  5. admin · May 1, 2005 Reply

    Sorry I could only stay one for 5 min. Missed most of you folks

  6. sugarbear365 · May 2, 2005 Reply

    WOW!!! I’ve had a couple events happen to me while traveling on planes. First of all, when I was 6 years old, my Mom and I were traveling to Florida when we almost crashed over Georgia. What happened was we were experiencing some air turbulence and as we hit a huge pocket of air, we dropped a lot of altitude. When we dropped altitude and as we were dropping, we ended up in another plane’s altitude. They did a 90 degree angle up and we nose dove straight down. It was really scarey. Stewardessing were on the floor, people screaming, things flying out of compartments, oxygen masks falling down…etc. I’ll never forget that. Then, about 4 years ago, I was traveling to Arizona to visit my Dad. The plane I was about to get on had a damaged wing. We waited a additional 5 hours for another plane to be flown in from New York so we were safe. We got a 75 percent discount coupon on our next flight which was nice!!! However, I LOVE to fly. The scenery from 32,000 feet is incredible!!


  7. themadman · May 3, 2005 Reply

    As usual Kallu, the birds are all hitting on you. It must be your charisma! 😉

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