Away from the forests

I’m in Vizag this week on a family-work thingy. This place is so damn hot and sweaty, I feel like someone has poured some glue into my shirt. I don’t think I’ll ever used to the coastal climate and I personally think the Indian east coast is lot more hot and humid then the west coast. Atleast my old phone seems to be holding up a little now, so I actually might get to be online often this week.. and hopefully often enough for me to upload few of my recent pictures.


  1. freegeek · April 25, 2005 Reply

    Ah I’m glad to be back in Bombay from Pune despite the sweating 🙂

  2. cyberscorpion · April 25, 2005 Reply

    Its raining now in Bangalore..

  3. admin · April 25, 2005 Reply

    You really hate me don’t ya :((

  4. admin · April 25, 2005 Reply

    heh. I don’t know about bombay, but once you have spent few years in Bangalore, you cannot move out

  5. freegeek · April 25, 2005 Reply

    I get rashes whenever i go out in the sun in Bangalore and Pune.

    Bombay is sweaty but the sweat cools you down

  6. fox2mike · April 25, 2005 Reply

    lol and there’s this cool breeze too :p

  7. idea49 · April 25, 2005 Reply

    hey…wanted to meet up with you when you were in b’glore last…
    atleast keep in touch man!!

    Its sexy the weather here… today it rained mad! and now there are cool breezes… :oP

  8. achitnis · April 25, 2005 Reply

    Real cool scene here. Fresh air, great breeze, pouring rain every now and then.

  9. yathin · April 25, 2005 Reply

    Bangalore weather sucks after what I experienced at Nagarhole for the last week. Here’s my friend welcoming a storm in Nagarhole.

  10. nithya · April 25, 2005 Reply

    dont worry da.. florida is no better.. think i am gonna melt some day
    Its boiling out here.

  11. noelladsa · April 25, 2005 Reply

    Oh god no way..I hate the sweat and stickiness ( and I spent did my schooling there ).But its personal preference..heat and dryness or humidity and stickiness

  12. eppendorfs · April 25, 2005 Reply

    After six months of relentless snow, hailstorms, ice storms(yes they exist), and gazillion tons of snow showers, we finally started spring in march.The flowers started to bloom (, the birds were back, the leaves were sprouting, and the cherry was in blossom.
    Since yesterday we are having about 8 inches of snow 🙁
    P.S:Welcome to Cleveland

  13. freegeek · April 25, 2005 Reply

    The dry wether is ok as long as you don’t have to move around during the day etc anywhere. As long as you’re out of the sun it’s fine.

    But heck with the amount of commuting an average person does in Bombay. We’d all die of heat if we had dry weather 🙂

  14. zeeshanmn · April 25, 2005 Reply

    Pune is no better man. At least I feel someone poured the glue in my head.

  15. praveenkumarg · April 25, 2005 Reply

    Yeah I know the experience, I have been there for around 4 yrs. Lucky that it was my 4 yrs at B.E

  16. noelladsa · April 26, 2005 Reply

    Bombay travel is mostly train travel and the sweating is not helpful considering very often your nose is shoved in someones armpit 😀
    But yes the heat is intense in Bangalore during summer.
    I usually travel by bike but recently stopped as there was no point getting baked at a an endless traffic signal.So now I travel by rickshaw until I can afford a chauffeur :D.

  17. freegeek · April 26, 2005 Reply

    Actually train travel is not relevant here cause it’s not when the sun is at it’s worst. People moving around in the day and stuff is more like it.

  18. noelladsa · April 26, 2005 Reply

    Yep.For my amount of outdoor travelling I would anyday prefer being dry in the sun.

  19. freegeek · April 28, 2005 Reply

    In 2 months everything is going to be wet wet wet anyway 🙂

  20. noelladsa · April 28, 2005 Reply

    BooHoo! But I love the rain.
    However I also have not so nice memories of my gumboots all filled with water at 7 in the morning..walking the streets of chaar bangala on my way to school.

  21. freegeek · April 28, 2005 Reply

    Chaar Bangala, you mean Andheri West?

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