Dead and Crappy phone == No email

Last week my Sony Ericsson T610 totally gave up on me. The phone is going into this infinite reboot cycle and nothing seems to change that. This phone is probably the worst electronic device I’ve ever used. The UI is non-intuitive, the joystick hurts the fingers, the navigation is just way too slow and the reception is terrible. I’m currently using an old Nokia 3310 and man this phone rocks. The navigation is lovely and the speed at which I can look up address book etc is amazing. I really wish Nokia came up with a 3310 & bluetooth & GPRS. I would jump at it.

The dead phone meant no Internet for me in the last few days 🙁

I was talking about this phone issue with someone the other day and what came up was the technologies that these phones are built on. All the recent phones including the T610 are build on ‘Java Technologies’. Do you really need that on our phones ? Bad enough slow java applications bother you on your computer, why on the phone ? Nokia 3310 does one thing and does that really really well and is programmed in assembly ( or maybe C ?) to exactly do that. All the new phones are trying to become PDA’s without the actually processing power on board and the manufacturer’s are packing in as many features as possible to pump up sales. From what I hear, almost all these phones are unstable and are terrible slow. When will mobile phone manufacturer’s learn ?

So now that I need a new phone, any good recommendations ? I need a phone to talk and I need GRPS & Bluetooth setup. I do not care about anything else and Infact do not want camera, calender, games etc on my phone.


  1. sriramb · April 15, 2005 Reply

    get a nokia 6820; It has bluetooth, gprs and edge. Good reception, and best of all, has a fold out qwerty keyboard. Don’t expect fancy applications or lots of memory.

  2. Anonymous · April 15, 2005 Reply

    hehehehehe :-))))

    Nikon 3310 ??????

  3. Anonymous · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Dude …. now u changed it … it was Nikon previously … u know it

  4. deepsan · April 15, 2005 Reply

    infinite reboot cycle
    Giving priority to Time to Market over fixing all the bugs; but usually they come out with software updates to fix the bugs but you need to get the phone to the service centre for that.
    programmed in assembly
    ??? C is most common for the stack and C++ is not so uncommon for the applications.

    ps: caught you replacing ‘Nikon 3310’ with ‘Nokia 3310’ 😉

  5. admin · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Yes yes.. fine.. I made the mistake. So sue me 🙂

  6. admin · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Have you used it ?

  7. sriramb · April 15, 2005 Reply

    It is my current phone. (My mom lost the t610). No complaints so far. Wait a week and you can test drive mine.You can get it in Sangeetha for about 10k or so, i think.

  8. togagirl · April 15, 2005 Reply

    I agree with everything you said, and you said it so well. I am needing a new cell, too and the Nokia I had was great. The only thing “cool” about it was it had a blue lightning cover and WORKED first time, every time.

  9. deepix · April 15, 2005 Reply

    I fully agree with you. I use a 3310 too.

  10. derherr · April 15, 2005 Reply

    the T610 as far as I had heard of and seen and used (yes I had it for a while too) was a very buggy phone and all of those bugs were fixed in the immediate next version the T630. A few of my friends have the T630 and are quite happy. The BlueTooth connectivity is pretty nice and it has a full feature set including GPRS etc …

    Sadly these days (marketing be damned), there is no option for a phone of your choice. You have to make the best compromise. If the Nokia 6610 had bluetooth, it would be the best phone ever!

    Check with Atul… his phone has GPRS/BlueTooth and is a black and white Nokia… about the same as a 3310 with BlueTooth and GPRS!

  11. Anonymous · April 15, 2005 Reply

    I strongly recommend the Blackberry. It does not have any fancy features like camera, Bluetooth or MP3 player. However nothing can beat a blackberry on netsurfing & email experience. I have been using it since last 4 months & m loving it. more over AIRTEL’s got coverage in BR hills also so u will never be out of touch can update your blog directly from the field. It makes yur mailbox mobile, manages upto 10 mailbox at a stroke, send receive mails absolutely online……

    Rajesh Shah

  12. adarsh_bhat · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Amen. I got my hands on my colleague’s blackberry recently. Man, it rocks. I have pretty much decided that my next phone *has* to have a full keyboard.

  13. noelladsa · April 15, 2005 Reply

    He already has been blogging from BR hills in the past few weeks 🙂

  14. say_yes04 · April 15, 2005 Reply

    People of the house. Anybody using Sony Ericcson K700i. I am on the look out for a new cell phone too. Kallu let me know of your research so far !!

  15. achitnis · April 15, 2005 Reply

    I currently use the Nokia 6310i, and it rocks – as long as I dont drop it to the floor, and sadly I did that once too often. 🙁

    So I am in the market for a new phone as well, and I know which I want – the Nokia 6021. Bluetooth, GPRS, EDGE and NO CAMERA (and no other fluffy features that my PDA handles much better).

    Am holding on for dear life waiting for this to be released here in India.

  16. bhatta · April 15, 2005 Reply

    nokia 6820

    good reception, bluetooh + gprs.

    has keyboard and is light. screen is slightly smaller than i wud have liked. has a camera that sucks. i have been using it for 2 weeks..and like it so far.

  17. beteljues · April 15, 2005 Reply


    You should add EDGE to the list. Sooner or later it will deliver its promise of better throughput on Airtel. You may not want to be caught wanting then.

  18. aivalli · April 15, 2005 Reply

    A leaf out of ‘s pick Nokia 6310i – r0x ! 🙂



  19. achitnis · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Here is the link for my current phone, the Nokia 6310i.

    According to me, this phone deserves the title of Best Phone Ever. Bluetooth, Tri-band, GPRS, NO CAMERA!, NO FakePDA functions!, excellent battery life (thanks to no fancy colour screen), light in weight, and excellent handling. If I could find a new piece, I’d buy it in a flash.

    Sadly, Nokia discontinued this model years ago.

    Dolts 🙁

  20. achitnis · April 15, 2005 Reply

    I had checked out the 6820, and indeed it is very low priced (about 12K legit, and 9-10K grey).

    The swing-out keyboard worries me. Felt a bit flimsy at the hinges, and could easily break in a normal person’s hand (and *definitely* in Kallu’s). I started my mobile-phone life with a Nokia 8110 (anyone remember that one?) and figured out quickly that Nokia makes its money off phones with moving parts.

    Kallu, if you want to go for a high-end phone, wait for the Nokia 6230i. You may want to give that 6600 a pass – too old and I am told too unstable. You might want to check with about it.

  21. Anonymous · April 15, 2005 Reply

    dnt know what all the praise is about – 3310’s are crap, 6310i’s have had a tremendous amount of applaud from all the people who have ever had 1, and 6820’s are ok but the i disagree that 6600 is shit, coz though it crashes ALL the time, it is a great phone (maybe not). If i was to recommend a phone that was a nokia – i’d recommend the Nokia 6630, if u dnt mind having a non-nokia phone – Samsung then the D500 is great. However, you will find that you can do so much more on a 6630. All the new Nokia fashion phones are crap – trust me i work in a phone shop and have been for 3yrs.

  22. jace · April 15, 2005 Reply

    I’m told the firmware updates to the 6600 fix all its issues. But for the crashes, I love the phone. It’s still slow as hell though.

  23. achitnis · April 15, 2005 Reply

    You have to remember under what circumstances Kallu uses his phone. He is out in the jungles, and definitely cannot afford a fancy phone that crashes all the time.

    What he needs is a stable and functional phone, not a fashion statement. I agree that almost all Nokia fashion phones in recent years have been less than satisfactory. But that has been the state with Sony-Ericsson and Samsung as well – too many useless features, too few useful ones, and many of the phones try to be PDAs as well, and fail miserably at that.

  24. irq2 · April 15, 2005 Reply

    A phone that has both GPRS and Bluetooth is bound to have calendar, games, etc. – no escaping those.

    If you want to be future-proof, I suggest the Nokia 6630 as well. But be prepared for a burnin’ hole in your pocket.

    If 3G is not what you’re looking at (we still have to wait a bit more here anyway), why not go for the Nokia N-Gage QD? (stop laughing, I’m serious!). It’s cheap, it supports Bluetooth (and cable, if I’m not mistaken), and the best part is not only can you browse from your laptop using a GPRS connection, you can do the reverse as well – i.e., set up a Bluetooth connection between your phone and laptop and browse on your phone (basically sharing the same internet connection – so no fighting with over what to browse).

  25. daguru · April 15, 2005 Reply


    Try the blackberry..Negatives:- Expensive,pic attachments not viewable,mem could be a prob

  26. daguru · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Please dont go for the nokia 6630 is much slower than the 6600. If u have the money go in for the sony erricson p910i truly awesome…one of the best phones ever to hit the the communicator hands down

  27. irq2 · April 15, 2005 Reply

    If you want to get yours updated, I know a guy in Gandhi Bazaar who does it for 200 bux.

  28. jace · April 15, 2005 Reply

    It’s supposed to be free at the Nokia service centre, but they want to keep the phone for a day or two.

  29. rohandsa · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Dead and Crappy phone == No email
    I really hate sounding geeky but if it’s an assertion and not a question, then shouldn’t it be ‘=’ :-p

  30. ravi · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Re: Blackberry

    Yikes. The blackberry’s are annoying as crap and I doubt I’d want one for free.

  31. naeembob · April 15, 2005 Reply

    so what you’re saying is…there is no hope.

  32. achitnis · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Huh? Nope, read above – I suggested the 6021. The perfect entry level phone, at least if one goes by features. Will be available here soon.

  33. noelladsa · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Hmm…now you’re sounding like the comments on your journal ;).

  34. admin · April 15, 2005 Reply

    But I already have a palm with bluetooth and I connect to the net via my phone. So really does not make sense for me to go for a blackberry

  35. admin · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Sorry too many features.

  36. teemus · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Heh. Take the 6600 then. 😛

  37. admin · April 15, 2005 Reply

    This is a PDA all over. I have a laptop and I have a nice PDA. I just want a phone and really do not want any overlaps. Thats when things start to break 🙂

  38. rohandsa · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Ok ma. I swear I’ll never do that again… :-p

  39. admin · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Too many features 😉

  40. teemus · April 15, 2005 Reply

    Aargh. Buy my T68i. 😛

    PS: Wait for the NOKIA 6021 then.

  41. daguru · April 16, 2005 Reply

    Sorry Kalyan..looks like you search has just entered the infinite loop…Happy searching

  42. achitnis · April 16, 2005 Reply

    The Sony Ericsson T630 is a decent alternative as well. Cheap, rock stable, does have a lousy interface and sports a cheap, no-god camera, but you can get it for sub-10K, it has BT and GPRS. Lots of people using it, and happy with it. It’s one major flaw is that it isn’t a Nokia. 😛

  43. Anonymous · April 18, 2005 Reply

    Couldn’t help but nitpick … all the new phones including the T610 are not actually built on ‘Java Technologies’. They just support Java for third party applications. The underlying firmware is still developed in C/Assembly. On top of that, a miniature version of the Java VM (KVM) is implemented(again in C and assembly) to support Java apps. Most of the phone features do not depend on Java.

    So, your phone problems have very little to do with Java… the T610 is just a crappy phone, although the Java implementation on the T610 is just as crappy, if not worse.

    PS: I am not a big fan of Java on the phone either.

  44. irq2 · April 18, 2005 Reply

    This guy does it in half-an-hour.

  45. jace · April 18, 2005 Reply

    Excellent! I want an upgrade. Care to come along, or give directions?

  46. irq2 · April 19, 2005 Reply

    Sure, I’ll buzz you in the evening. Is tomorrow (Wednesday) ok?

  47. angelicareds · April 19, 2005 Reply

    i absolutely agree with you…i have a sony ercsson too and am extremely frustrated with it.

  48. Anonymous · April 20, 2005 Reply

    My situations the same as yours. I have a del axim, a t42 and needed a phone that would just be a modem via gprs. I settled for the t630. Its damn stable and has got good battery life. Strangely so I find the interface highly intuitive and after using it for a a few months now, I find the Nokia one counter intuitive.. 🙂


  49. zeeble · April 20, 2005 Reply


    I use this one currently, and connectivity wise, it rocks. It is small enough and has a decent battery life, once you turn off all those crappy sounds, bright screen stupid stuff. the software available for it is limited, but who needs it when you can connect to your laptop and have a better digicam handy.

    Basic stuff handles well. What I’d give to have a custom phone, with stripped down features!!

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