Camera Fundraiser

On Saturday, August 14th, my Nikon F80 camera and my Zoom lens, were stolen from my car. Of course, I’m a moron and didn’t have any insurance, so my loss isn’t covered. So I’ve started this fundraiser to try to recover some costs.

I’ve done the math, and I figure I lost about 30,000 Rupees ($600) in equipment if I were to buy it all new again. I worked hard to save up for each of those purchases and it was bitter blow when this theft took place.

Please don’t feel obligated to help me in anyway. I’m not the kind of guy who expects his friends, or even strangers, to give him help. I want them to do it on their own freewill: out of respect, or kindness, or the need to get rid of some cash. I look at it as a chance for me to recover some of my loss, and a chance for people who enjoy my work to have an opportunity to contriute. I’m sure there are millions of starving and needy people in the world who could use the money more than I could. Let’s face it… I don’t need the camera at all, I have my digital camera. But it was something I enjoyed. Something I taught myself step-by-step. Something I poured many hours of practice, reading, and analysis into. Something important to me.

So that’s my story. If you like what you see here and you have the money, do contribute, it will be greatly appreciated. If you can’t do that, I’ll understand entirely. If you don’t agree with this fundraiser and refuse to support it, that’s okay too.

Thanks a lot.


  1. togagirl · August 19, 2004 Reply

    hi sweetie! I put 2 hours pay into the kitty. May all your photography ambitions continue. xxx

  2. mannu · August 19, 2004 Reply

    Even though I’m not going to be able to help (being a poor, third-world wage-slave trying to make ends meet, and having zero interest in photography), I’m impressed with this move! Wish you all the best, dude!!

  3. admin · August 19, 2004 Reply

    Thanks a ton 🙂

    If we ever meet, remind me to do a photoshoot.

  4. togagirl · August 19, 2004 Reply

    Tracy’s and my wedding? ; )
    you would be the best
    —> you have the touch

  5. simig · August 19, 2004 Reply

    Hey you must be kidding!

    Or serious, are you??



  6. admin · August 19, 2004 Reply

    heh why so confused ?

    the fundraiser is for real.

  7. jace · August 19, 2004 Reply

    I’d like to help, but I’m broke. Some other time.

  8. Anonymous · August 19, 2004 Reply

    R U Nuts????

    Using LJ as a medium for fund-raising !!!!

  9. simig · August 19, 2004 Reply


    I’d have loved to give you a check for $500 but unfortunately my financial health is not that hunky currently!

  10. Anonymous · August 19, 2004 Reply

    i had never come across anything so cheap from anyone so far….

  11. raghav · August 19, 2004 Reply

    I wish I could help but my contributions would miniscule.

    If you are accepting treats as an alternative, then Corner House is in my backyard.

  12. admin · August 19, 2004 Reply

    Re: R U Nuts????

    Why not ? I spend quite a bit of money shooting these pictures.. I do not sell them.. I distribute the high-res pics for free and I distribute them without asking for anything.

    I do them coz I like photography and if people think they want to contribute, then why not ? You will realise the pain to see something go away which you like so much.

  13. admin · August 19, 2004 Reply

    What’s so cheap about a fundraiser ? I am not asking everyone to pay up nor am I asking people to throw some million dollers at me.. read one of my prev comments 🙂

  14. dhempe · August 19, 2004 Reply

    My two cents.. oops 5 dollars.. 🙂

    I thought I should donate you that much cause I enjoyed your photography as much (or even more than)’s commentary during the recent Asia cup. 🙂

  15. admin · August 19, 2004 Reply

    Re: My two cents.. oops 5 dollars.. 🙂

    Thanks. Appreciate it a lot man.

  16. Anonymous · August 19, 2004 Reply

    A fund-raiser isn’t cheap……the motives of fund-raising maybe cheap.
    I don’t know anything about you…so cannot say much…but I hope these assumptions are right..

    1) You are not poor(I think the indian income below which ppl are termed as poor is less than 1000Rs a Year). You work in Yahoo! or some company which I assume pays well and you can very well afford a camera. Your family owns 2 cars which you have said in one of your previous posts
    2) Photography using whatever the gadget that you bought…was your hobby…not your livelihood.
    2) Losing your camera was not ill-luck…it was your you seem to put it.

    Anyways, it is subjective again. I feel that, fund-raising for such a materialistic thing which was your luxury first of all….that too photography being your hobby and not even your livelihood is quite cheap and definitely does not bring out the real understanding/generosity from ppl…I feel that the motive behind it is cheap….my feelings anyway 🙂

  17. priyatam · August 19, 2004 Reply

    u r my inspiration dude…

    … enjoying the scenic highlands & islands of Scoltand (where im on a week’s holiday now) I realised that for every shot i’ve taken with my … pchh not so savvy- canon S50 camera, i SEE your photos as an inspiration. Guess what dude, I’ve improved a lot over the last 2 months just by reading your journal, will put up snaps once i come back from this eternal journey.

    Now to contribute to something like this … i guess is my courtesy.
    All the best & keep your spirits high. You will do well…

    PS: to all those who have appreciated kalyan’s photography this is our time guys, I dont think anyone of us contributed even a single rupee on Aug 15th, atleast do something genuine for these times of irony when bank balances need not necessarily speak of your true inspiration.

  18. puttu · August 19, 2004 Reply

    Me not earning at the moment.But I love your photographs.So here’s a small contribution from my side to you..And when I get my salary,then I’ll put in more okay.Take care and smile 🙂

  19. jace · August 20, 2004 Reply

    Umm, dude, what’s with the idealism?

    Kallu wants money. If people think Kallu deserves money, they give him money. Simple laws of supply and demand.

    Let’s dispense with this nonsense about materialistic desires and more deserving people, please.

  20. nithya · August 20, 2004 Reply

    Dude he didnt walk upto you asking for money.. he has posted this on his journal that is meant to be read by his friends..
    if we want to help him then we do .. otherwise we dont..
    simple as that..
    you cant go around telling people what they should put up on their journal and what they shouldnt..

  21. nithya · August 20, 2004 Reply

    dude you have no business telling people what to post in their journal and what not..
    get a life..
    kallu needs help ..he has written this for his friends to read..and help if they can..
    whats your problem??

  22. nithya · August 20, 2004 Reply

    Hey Kallu.. is cash ok for you??

  23. sriramb · August 20, 2004 Reply

    I’ll try to contribute in kind

    How about 2 rolls of Fuji Velvia slide film? (you’ll have to wait till the end of september for me to return from the US)

  24. tariquesani · August 20, 2004 Reply

    Dude – you have got such typical Indian Middle class attitude against begging. What Kallu is doing is so global, almost an *in* thing!

    I am sure you will say do a bit of freelancing instead – so stupid of you!

    Bah! you prehistoric entity – go become extinct

  25. madhav · August 20, 2004 Reply

    How about buying you lunch(es) sometime?

  26. Anonymous · August 20, 2004 Reply

    You’re jealous you didn’t think of first aren’t you :p

  27. noelladsa · August 20, 2004 Reply

    Also wanted to add some more..

    does not bring out the real understanding/generosity from ppl

    From all the comments on this post you can see he is quite sucessful in generating generosity from people :p

  28. astra1111 · August 20, 2004 Reply

    well all i feel is this dude is frank enough to say wat he wants… and all of respect that….
    this not at all cheap…
    I feel that the motive behind it is cheap….my feelings anyway 🙂
    and u know where u can shove ur feelings…
    and if u were frank abt ur feeling why post as anonymous … coward

  29. Anonymous · August 20, 2004 Reply

    sorry for intruding into ur journal.

  30. achitnis · August 20, 2004 Reply

    Does my earlier donation count, or do I donate again? 🙂

    As for the various comments about “cheap” – I’d ignore them. The same person making those comments won’t hesitate asking for help (of any sort) next s/he needs it.

    Any form of request for sponsorship (whether to support a camera habit, like you and Jace did, or the way I do for the Linux Bangalore conference) is a form of begging. One depends on largesse from friends/supporters/motivated_parties at times. Calling it “cheap” is missing the big picture.

    You have been a good ‘tronic citizen: you take beautiful pictures, and make them available to people, often unconditionally. If people who have enjoyed these pictures want to give something back, they should have the freedom to do so without some jerk coming along and making a comment and spoiling it for everyone.

  31. themadman · August 20, 2004 Reply

    You have been a good ‘tronic citizen: you take beautiful pictures

    Just wait till his next journal entry. That’s all I’m sayin’ 😉

  32. achitnis · August 20, 2004 Reply

    Hmm, you know me – I’d be interested if it involved food 🙂

  33. dhempe · August 20, 2004 Reply

    Re: My two cents.. oops 5 dollars.. 🙂

    You are welcome buddy. 🙂

  34. themadman · August 20, 2004 Reply

    I’m not Kallu, but I’ll take cash. 😉

  35. xunilpassion · August 20, 2004 Reply

    Another idea

    Made a small donation. I know this worth more than that.

    However, I think soliciting donation through a journal is bit obscure, may be because I haevn’t seen one doing likewise. A more lucid method is to sell some of your photographs. Hobby is something which should be profitable. Thats how a hobby is perceived in western world. Hobby is a sellable commodity. Obsession is not. What you try to do is to ask money for your obsession.

    What I did was, I brought all your photographs :-)))

  36. Anonymous · August 20, 2004 Reply


    you have got such typical Indian Middle class attitude against begging

    you mean to say not begging is Middle class and begging is high class?? lol

  37. tariquesani · August 21, 2004 Reply

    Re: risible

    “Mark what I say, which you shall find By every syllable a faithful verity.”

    Tsk Tsk! wrong word!! risible!!!

  38. themadman · August 23, 2004 Reply

    So how come you haven’t visited me yet? 🙂

  39. achitnis · August 23, 2004 Reply

    Good question. I was waiting to hear from at least *one* living person who ate there and survived.

    it appears there are a few, so will grab wife and show up sometime this week.

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