Friday the 13th Strikes : AGAIN

Some fucker broke into my car last night (and my dad’s) and got away with my new Nikon F80 camera with lens and my dad’s stereo system. I came home at 3am and slept at 4am, so this guy made his move between 4 -5am and I’m pretty sure he knew there was my camera in the car under the seat.( I know its damn stupid of me to leave it in the car ). Luckily I removed my laptop and the D70 out before I slept.

He neatly removed the front glass, kept it aside and finished his work.The camera body costed me 15k and the lens close to another 10k. A cop came over and had a look and said he’d send someone to get the fingerprints later in the day.

This follows after one of the worst day’s I’ve had at work (more about it later). Guess I can’t escape to Friday the 13th. You remember what happened the last time around.


  1. harish_an · August 14, 2004 Reply

    that real bad dude. sounds like an insider job. time to get a autocop.
    btw, just keep chasing the cops… they sometimes get the stuff back and forget to inform. just keep reminding them.

  2. ashwinb · August 14, 2004 Reply

    Hey, damn sad about the camera dude. Friday the 13th really does seem to be unlucky for you.

  3. kewldeaf · August 14, 2004 Reply


    Now, you claim banglore is safe at nights ?. Hope you get another Nikon and keep supplying us with breathtaking wall papers.

    Your Fan,

  4. rythm · August 14, 2004 Reply

    That sounds to be done by someone who stays near ur house and has been following ur activities for sometime.

    Also, why did u keep ur camera in the car?? Any particular reasons for it???

    Btw, follow it up with the cops, its more likely that they’ll recover it.

  5. krishi · August 14, 2004 Reply

    Man, this sucks!!! Hope you get it back asap.

  6. prady · August 14, 2004 Reply

    Shit ! Damn sad .

  7. raghav · August 14, 2004 Reply

    Get yourself a pet dog!

    or Car Security would do.

  8. Anonymous · August 14, 2004 Reply

    Insure not ensure

    Say what ? You got NO insurance ?
    Well, try your Auto Insurance man.
    Some, policies actually cover theft of
    property inside the car. If the policy says
    ‘full replacement value’ you get full list price.
    That is your best bet.
    If the insurance coughs up the doO you can get
    yourself a brand spankin new Canon Rebel and a new iPod.

  9. achitnis · August 14, 2004 Reply

    Hmmm, this was after you called me last night, asking where the loo is?

    God, you must have been way beyond the “One Tequila, Two Tequilas, Three Tequilas, Floor!” stage to leave something so valuable lying in the car.

    I have a golden rule about Friday the 13th, which I have followed religiously for almost two decades: I don’t leave the house on that day. Period.

    That may sound childish, but I have way too many personal experiences of things happening to me on that day. Better safe than sorry.

  10. nithya · August 14, 2004 Reply

    Good Lord..
    lets hope the dirty fellow falls somewhere and breaks 200 bones and any extra ones i have missed for stealing.
    thats one of the worst things to do on earth..
    be more careful next time kallu

  11. raghav · August 14, 2004 Reply

    the dirty fellow falls somewhere and breaks 200 bones

    Hmmm… he could be carrying poor Kallus Cam

  12. kingsly · August 14, 2004 Reply

    the dirty fellow falls somewhere and breaks 200 bones and any extra ones i have

    How do you intend to ensure that he crashes on you ?(or the domino effect of the crash includes you.)

    And why would you want to have so many bones broken ??

    And congrats on the visa! 🙂

  13. jd_knight · August 14, 2004 Reply

    dude. felt damn bad hearing about this 🙁 hope u get back ur stuff soon

  14. gromhellscream · August 14, 2004 Reply

    that my friend is very sad…but i feel as commented above its somebody who knew you pretty well as in..what you do..and that you leave stuff in the car… hmmm

  15. simig · August 15, 2004 Reply

    Awww bad luck… My commiserations.

  16. jace · August 15, 2004 Reply

    Re: Awwwwww!

    Err, street crime is very different from car-breaking.

  17. yathin · August 16, 2004 Reply


    That’s bad luck. 🙁

    Thank god, that you moved away your d70 and your laptop. Btw, have you noted down your F80 serial number? A trip to all the grey market photo stores might just be fruitful if you have.

    On a lighter note, I not surprised that about him/her not stealing your music system! 😉

  18. thaths · August 16, 2004 Reply


    The fucker seems to have hit you where it hurts – in the camera department. Hope you can manage to get it back.

  19. adarsh_bhat · August 17, 2004 Reply

    Looks like you weren’t paranoid enough this time 😉

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