Missing building blocks

Sometimes I wish I had formal Computer Science background instead of Mechanical engineering. There are some things which you only learn in college course, which you’d never go out of your way to learn/master.

Maybe its not too late yet.


  1. admin · August 11, 2004 Reply

    Re: Grad school

    Thanks for the info dude.. am seriously considering it.. lets see how things turn out 🙂

  2. rpratap · August 11, 2004 Reply

    Prereqs are mandatory only in some schools and yes, they can be a bit of a problem but at Wash U (http://www.wustl.edu), I wasn’t required to do any. Taking the GRE Subject Test usually puts you on an equal footing with other CS degree candidates applying to that school.

    Don’t forget that you have quite a few years of work experience too.

  3. mannu · August 15, 2004 Reply

    Re: Well…

    I second that.

  4. mannu · August 15, 2004 Reply

    frankly i don’t know jack shit about comp arch/compilers either

    Man, I’m so relieved. I’ve been suffering from this inferiority complex all this while, thinking I’m the only programmer who doesn’t know jack shit about programming. 🙂 Thanks, you made my day!

  5. mannu · August 15, 2004 Reply

    Re: Me watching.

    I’m in a most hopeless situation actually. My career path: PHB in 2 years. 🙂

  6. mannu · August 15, 2004 Reply

    Re: +++ mod parent down +++

    I’ve been reading Fountainhead (Rand) for a year now. 🙂 It’s usually when I feel like punishing myself for some wrong-doing that I pick up that book.

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