Best Lap again

Few folks in office decided to challenge me for karting and hence 6 of us went back to speedzone and had a proper race with prelims and finals. I managed to beat everyone again (including yathin) with the same 61 sec best lap. If you race there the next time, pick the kart No 6. I think thats the fastest one out there.

In other news, I got my car back from servicing today. The brakes were totally worn off the the rattling noise that my car was making turns out to be a worn out bearing which cost me 400 bucks to replace.

Everything looks good expect for the damn oil that is sprayed all over my car. Every servicing guy seems to do this to make the car look shiny on the insides… and I just cannot stand the oily feel inside the car. The steering wheel was literally dripping with oil.


  1. yathin · August 6, 2004 Reply

    pick the kart No 6. I think thats the fastest one out there.

    It’s also got the biggest seat. So, if you’re fat like kallu … 😉

    Btw, I was supposed to take that kart, you pushed me out! 🙁 Anyways let’s race again … but not in speed zone .. where the marshals are way too pesky.

  2. admin · August 6, 2004 Reply

    I took car no 5 in the prelims which had a really small seat.. and asked for your car no 3. I only raced the finals with car 6, which was in the garage before that.

    Wed’s fastest lap was also in the same very car.

    So there you go.. I did not steal your car :p

  3. teemus · August 6, 2004 Reply

    What’s the length of the Speedzone track?

  4. admin · August 6, 2004 Reply

    1.1 KM / lap.. so its about 5.5 KM drive if you include the warmup

  5. nithya · August 7, 2004 Reply

    damn cool man..
    i cant wait for the heavy weight championships to happen 😉

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