Hellmuth Conz Meister of Photography
Couple of weeks ago, I woke up one morning and decided I’ll learn the good-ol-fashioned film photography. From developing negatives to printing pictures and rest of the works in the dark room. Then I met Hellmuth Conz. Originally from Germany, he teaches photography for living in Bangalore. I signed up for the advanced course which includes dark room development and working with lighting etc.
I completed the darkroom course last week(Only black&white) and now I can’t wait to shoot in film. Its amazing all the things you can do in the darkroom to your image.. and trust me.. you can almost do all the things that photoshop/gimp can do on your final image. The image resolution is surely many times better then the top of the line digital cameras.
The film and the final paper print are soaked in this chemical called developer which reacts with the exposed side and exposes the image. To increase the contrast, just use the higher concentrated developer, to overexpose part of the image, just rub the area with your fingers so that the developer reacts faster in that area and exposes it more.
This week we are doing lighting and the picture on the left is hellmuth smoking in front of the softbox. ( Hopefully I’ll have a better looking model for my next class ;))
Can u give more details abt this course…..i mean where is the place and things like that….?
that pic really rocks…its awesome.didu use ur digi cam or its ur own developed..and hey please provide more info regarding that course.
way to go! all the best. I see your real liking for photography. Who knows one day I may follow ur path provided I get to earn on my own. The first thing i want to do after earning is to have a digicam and shoot everything! 😛
Pretty cool 🙂 Is that a digi shot or a regular film camera shot that you scanned in ? Seems digital to me.
u took this snap ? 😮
You can contact him ph : 9845642172
hellmuth takes batch of 2 -3 people max.. so you can call him up and he shall put you in the next class.
Yep.. using my D70.
You will come back to digital – but with a new perspective 🙂
I am not leaving digital.. I am exploring something that’s maybe slightly more interesting then digital
Is the real JD?? lol
Darkroom soon gets tedious and expensive. I still have my enlarger (somewhat broken and very dusty) developing trays and tank if you want it….
thats really cool can i add u ?
you always ask ?
yes i do
jhakaas da..
Envy !
Man, I just envy you ! Would love to do a course like that someday !
i’ve been recently caught up with this digi vs film tangle….the only complain i have with film is that the latency between clicking a shot and getting to see the pic is too long….so long that you dont remember the exposure/aperture/ or an other settings…as a result I wont know why a shot was good or bad…so the learning curve is not steep..i believe with digital u can check and correct ur mistakes much quickly…
Are you on blr shutterbugs ?
nope…whats that? if its a y! group, u can add praveen_k_81 to the list..
I’m not the moderator. Recently there was a big thread on Film/Digital pros and cons. you should check it out 🙂
They use some really causic chemicals in the lab. So you better be very careful touching the chemicals or inhaling the carcinogenic fumes from them.
Re: Chemicals
Yep. there is the developer and the fixer. The fixer is very acidic and you can feel your fingers tickle when you touch the liquid. I wash my hands every 2 min in the dark room
Just friended you. Have absolutely no idea why I did not do this all this while. Ok if I add you?
Awesome pic. I love the way the smoke curls up – contrast with the background is nice. Am friending you.
check out http://www.sensitivelight.com/