Its been one hectic week.. loads and loads of things happening at work
The bangalore office finally went live, officially. Yahoo took over Overture Yahoo announced that it will buy over Iverture, and lot of activity within the company. Also we are moving to a new office next month and loads of preparations going on for that
been pretty much reaching home only after 5am. That also meant getting back to work only by evening, and missed all the meeting/all-hands etc at work. Oh well, intend to chill out this weekend and just prey next week goes OK.
and now I sleep …. ZZZzzzz……..
Uhm, no.
All we did was announce our intentions to buy Overture. It’ll be months before anything significant comes of it. Until then, they’re a separate company.
Re: Uhm, no.
aha yes, and it will be couple of months before the thing actually finishes. Lets just hope MSN does not put its fingers in between 🙂
Re: Uhm, no.
aha yes, and it will be couple of months before the thing actually finishes. Lets just hope MSN does not put its fingers in between 🙂