Disney says it owns the copyright.. after today I say I 0wn Disney
Very disappointed to hear about Disney winning the Eldred case.

Till date I’ve actually had little sympathy for music industry and their copyrights.. I’ve actually went out and purchased tapes of music that I already had on my machine. Now I’ve totally lost it. If they dont want to move old english literature to public domain, I have no reason to respect their copyrights.
I will *never* *ever* buy a cd/tape of an mp3 thats I’ve downloaded off the net
Fuck Disney, Fuck AOL and most of all Fuck RIAA.
> I will *never* *ever* buy a cd/tape of an mp3 thats I’ve downloaded off the net
I’d say that is unreasonable, because while I fully support screwing the RIAA in every way possible, I do not support screwing the artistes.
It isn’t about the money alone. A recording artist has two objectives – to make good music and get it out to people, and to make money. The latter is not always a driving force.
Now if you never buy that artiste’s CDs, you are signalling to the publisher that this guy doesn’t sell. That will mean that they won’t publish any more of his stuff, which means that no matter how good he is, he will fade away and die in obscurity.
By buying a CD, you aren’t *only* giving money to the publishing company and the RIAA – you are also promoting the artiste and ensuring that he/she is successful.
Try and look at it this way – if Phenom records a CD tomorrow, and it is published by (say) Sony, and if everyone just pirates the CD or downloads mp3s, Phenom’s sales will be garbage, no matter how good they are, and Sony will drop them.
Is that what you want to achieve?
Again, this is not a rant supporting the RIAA or their ilk – I think they are evil, they should all be shot (and for good measure, their entire families should be exterminated, just to make sure that they don’tbreed again). I think that associations like the RIAA are serving themselves far more than the little service they give to their “clients”, and that they are destroying culture and potential far more thoroughly than any MP3 downloader ever can.
But bottomline – the artiste comes first. That the RIAA makes money on that is colateral damage.
I have to agree with you on that.. but then again I like what some bands are going
Take TAAQ. All their MP3’s are up in the net.. After I’ve heard them on stage.. I downloaded the songs and loved the music. I ran to their place and got hold of both their album cd’s. Now thats supporting the Artist.. and he will make money out of me. Ofcouse not everyone can work this way.. but I just love they way they do it 😉
Yeah, but that directly goes against your stand that you won’t buy a CD if you can download the MP3, right?
Point is – TAAQ is a bad example because their albums are self-produced, so if you buy the CD, all the money goes to them, which is good.
But if you buy the latest Britney Spears album (yeah yeah, we know you do, you buy it for the pictures ;), she gets maybe 5% of that, the rest goes to the producers and publishers.
If most of the money would go to the artiste, scum and scoundrels like the RIAA wouldn’t exist, and we would have much better music available at reasonable costs.
Micro payments NOW!!!