Coffee == Nirvana
Its been 2 disappointing , lazy days.
Work is not going well… Have to work on something that I dont like working on anymore. (but still have to finish it ). No matter what people say, I still think writing something from scratch is much better then taking an existing engine and trying to make it work for you.
Been watching tons of South Park Video’s that nandu has been downloading, few of them are really nice.
No matter what people say, I still think writing something from scratch is much better then taking an existing engine and trying to make it work for you.
Yup writing from scratch and getting everything to work would be greatly satisfying. But understanding existing (large and complex) code base and trying to make it work for you is a very good learning process.
Current mood: grumpy
Been watching tons of South Park Video’s that nandu has been downloading, few of them are really nice.
Hey! @$$%@#$@#$@# #$@# #$@#$!$^ $#$%#$%
what engine ?
what ‘s the work on …?
(read back a few posts and i couldnt figure out wht the wrk is on. so i thought i’d ask in.)