LJ Block
So its been 2 weeks since I’ve last posted. I was forced to stay away from LJ coz of imp work. Later, I just did not find anything to post on LJ. So anyway I am back this time.
Work has gotten kinda boring this week. The most amazing thing at office these days is the TT matches between me and Sush (khorgath). Its not a game anymore.. its all about revenge, anger and thrill.
For those of you who dont know, I am giving a talk this weekend in the Bangalore LUG along with manusb. He is talking about basics of IPv6 and I am talking about IPv6 and linux and also will be giving a demo. To work on linux, I got myself another box at work. Feels great to have two boxes on my desk. The box also has windows, so nice fun.
I started using jabber again (thanks to mrinal). The sms thingy on his server is really cool. Now I have a buddy list filled with all my friends mobile numbers. Went over to his place over the weekend. Got to pick up tons of good cd’s ( including loads of Dream theater music )
ping 😉
I know you mean TT here , but I use this to check if my Yahoo messenger is still dead or alive.
Good luck to you and!
I have‘s music with me too! ;/
What do you mean?
Grr, first shamelessly defect to jabber, and now you heathen, you cast assumptions on whether the client works or not …. let me get hold of you – I’m going to make you create inheritance hierarchies :))
Jokes aside, best of luck with that talk!
Re: What do you mean?
He’ll need that luck – he is speaking *AFTER* me – basically he is going to be between Manu and me – and dinner! 😉
Re: What do you mean?
Its not your client ( which sucks anyway ). The damn servers have been dropping my messages like crazy
Re: What do you mean?
If you speak for more then 30 min… you will be taken off the stage kicking and screaming.
Re: What do you mean?
If *you* are the one who has to carry me off the stage, I am afraid that *you* will be the one who’ll be doing the kicking and screaming – sort of like a cockroach getting stepped on.
Re: What do you mean?
So what is the order again? Me. Kalyan. You. Dinner?
Heh, on second thought, it doesn’t matter. It is “Dinner” that really counts, after all 😉
Re: What do you mean?
Actually, if my stomach doesn’t settle down by this evening, it will be just you and Kallu. 🙁
Re: What do you mean?