Just back from Styx. That place rulez. Bumped into the LJ gang there. mrinal and manusb ( This world sure is a small place ). Great Music ( they played my fav bands). Today Kryptos were performing there. They were simply amazing. Apperently Mrinal’s band Cryptic will be playing soon at Styx too.
You’re certainly not drunk if you can spell that well, and punctuate your sentences. I thought mrinal’s band was called phantom or something?
Phenom is his other band.
Oh, like maintaining a harem of whores? Nice, Mrinal Wodeyar Kalakrishnan. (We saw some wodeyar loser at some palace in mysore, and the guide only told us, wodeyar ==> lotsa wives/whores/kids/stuff (basically, the good life) … )
Mrinal’s college band is Phenom. He is also part of a semi-pro band called cryptic. Its one the the city’s leading band
munnu I think I shall call myself supergirl..what do you say
Sorry dude. I though I ‘d actually find you there. Anyways, will Inform you if anythig comes up next time 😉
Exactly what I told. Tell us about it BEFORE, not AFTER!
But you were there. looks like you are still on booze last night 😉
eh? i am “still on booze last night ;)”? LOL ….you type like this when SOBER….Get drunk and stick an LJ entry up dude, it’ll get more hits than, umm, HOTMAIL 😉 !!
GD&R and got an apple thrown at me 🙁
oops. I was trying to say “still on last night’s booze.;)”?
Anyways my english is going to dogs. Need to do something about it
Anyways my english is going to dogs. Need to do something about it
…going to the dogs!
<g,d,r and got a crate of apples thrown at him>
C-A-T Cat
R-A-T rat
M-A-T mat
B-A-T bat
OK that does it. No more stuff comments on my errors.
From now on, will type slow and steady, and lets see if this improves.
From now on, will type slow and steady, and lets see if this improves.
Bad grammar, incomplete sentence. What would improve by typing slow and steady?
W-H-A-C-K whack!
YIKES!..I think he might just decide to B-E-L-T belt us
Ref: From the next entry’s post that was deleted at the request of evil!kallu:
Dude, the monet goes to the charity. ( Chosen by the guy who wins the bet ). Also they use the intrest they get out of it to fund charity again.
so there .
Ah yes, I didn’t realise that the M-O-N-E-T from the I-N-T-R-E-S-T goes to “the charity”….
Going C-A-T, R-A-T, etc misses quite a few chars. So I suppose we should start at the top.
A for A-P-P-L-E ( *oooh, shiny* )