Exploring the Digital Darkroom I

Digital technology has opened many doors to photographers to express their creativity intuitively, presenting the artist with a great spectrum of fine controls that can be harnessed in the image-making process to achieve effective results . It has also made the process of making and sharing images exciting. This Digital Darkroom workshop is designed to advance your photographic process, empowering you with an understanding of the digital darkroom along with useful insights that are integral to the process of making great photographs that let you express your unique vision.

Join Ramya Reddy & Kalyan Varma for day of artistic discovery, exploring creative possibilities on improving your photographs in the digital darkroom. In this class, you will learn creative enhancements for both the straight photographic image, as well as using the initial photograph as a point of departure for visual transformations that lead to personal images that are interpretive rather than literal.

Topics that will be covered :

  • A brief intro to Traditional darkroom and post processing.
  • Introduction to the Digital Darkroom.
  • Orientation of Photoshop, Basic Color Management and Setup.
  • Analyzing your images and understanding where to go and why. Analyzing your image using a Histogram.
  • RAW file processing
  • Cleaning your image (dust removal)
  • Adjustments : Histogram, Burning and dodging, Quick masking, Tone and Contrast control correction using Curves, Hue/Saturation, Color balance & Vibrance.
  • Introduction to Layers
  • Using Layers to make all the above image adjustments.
  • Introduction to layer masks & selective editing.
  • Some helpful shortcuts.
  • Preparing your image for the final output : Sharpening, resizing, adding borders & frames.
  • Readying the image for print and web.
  • Exercise session, idea exchange and Q&A


Ramya Reddy

Ramya believes fine art imagery is a result of conscious search, thought and effort and not always coincidence. Much of her work is born out of relentless daydreaming, need for solitude, immense love for nature, fleeting magical moments that occur inside and out and long days of “creative downs”. A Light & Life Academy alumnus, Ramya has also studied at Santa Fe workshops under renowned digital fine-artist John Paul Caponigro , who she considers her mentor. Her work encompasses fine-art imagery, travel photography, and photo illustration. She lives in Bangalore and likes to divide her time equally between her artistic pursuits and commissioned projects.


Kalyan Varma

is a freelance Wildlife Photographer and a filmmaker who works on assignments with National Geographic and BBC. He is a BBC Earth Explorer who collaborates with wildlife scientists, researchers, policy makers, activists and educators on fieldwork, books and film projects. His work has appeared in many publications worldwide, including National Geographic, GEO, BBC Wildlife, Wildlife Conservation and other magazines.



May 2010

(exact date to be announced)


Shilton Royale (Google Map)
No 9, 100ft road, Kormangala
Bangalore - 560047

Who Should Attend

This workshop is for photographers who want to improve and redefine their image making through essential creative techniques in the digital darkroom.

What you need

An open mind, curiosity, a good set of your digital image files, a portable computer installed with a version of Adobe Photoshop CS3(preferable) and above (the class will be taught using Photoshop CS4, but CS3 is great too). Some demonstrations will be given using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, but that is not a required software for the class. A good working knowledge of your computer and a very basic comfort level with Adobe Photoshop are essential.


The cost for the course is Rs 2500. The price includes the full day workshop as well as lunch, along with relevant course material

To register, kindly leave your details below and we shall get back to you

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