Fuckin Spammers

I got the following spam this morning From: “ship-confirm@amazon.com” <ship-confirm@amazon.com> Subject: Your order with amazon.com has shipped (#363-594188) … yada yada … Enlarge your penis … yada yada … I had to open the above mail (In html based Yahoo! mail) coz I do order stuff from amazon once in a while and this damn mail had hidden 1×1 gif’s which submitted my emailid to multiple web servers . Since I’m on it, here’s another spam I received last week. From: Brad Fitzpatrick <ggufseeuy@cnnic.net.cn> To: kalyan@lj.com ( lj = livejournal) Subject: Re: TZE, in the evening , you tuned in…

Two years and Counting…

Yep, its been 2 years since I’ve started started to blog on LJ. ( ack for giving me the LJ code back then). I thought about hacking some scripts together, but eventually settled with LJ. Sush and others used to poke me a lot saying I am exposing my life on the net etc, but today almost everyone I know blogs or atleast has signed up on LJ. One year ago LJ was a very small, close, tight community but now its a kumbh mela. ( I wish LJ had not become totally open ).

Lost Hope!

Woke up at 6am today , without any alarm, to catch the sunday morning Madiwala market action. It was hell I tell you. The place is a mess with stuff rotting nn the roads, people gathering around you and almost every shopkeeper wants a pic of his shop to be taken. Spent an hour without a single decent shot and I was getting back to my car which was parked 200m away from the main market. Just close to my car were a bunch of people sitting on the side with empty carts. Apparently the stock that they were suppose…

TV sucks on weekends

Is it just me or does weekend television really suck ? Decided to laze around and watch some TV all day and not even a single program/movie turned up. Ended up doing some work from home. Took some pics with the camera. will post them up soon. Watched “The last samurai” last night. Very good movie and the directors have managed to depict the samurai culture very well. (They could have done without the tom cruise long hair – it really does not fit in .. how does one fight with hair all over his face)

Bangalore Slashdotted.

Bangalore Beats Silicon Valley I guess it was bound to happen eventually. I expected everyone to do the Bangalore/India bashing on slashdot. surprisingly they haven’t ( not till now anyway). But I guess bangalore beats the valley in terms of number of jobless s/w engineers too. Out of the big numbers in bangalore more then half of them work in call centers and that is just cheap labor and not really a s/w job. I just hope the number of decent software development/research jobs to call-center jobs ratio goes up in bangalore. That will be the real sign of success.

Solve Problems Using the Military Problem Solving Process

I work with this certain army dude, who always points me to this link whenever I ask him some dumb/confusing question. Though I did not follow them initially, they make a lot of sense and correlate a lot to the software engineering principles. Applied these partially for my current project and I can see good results. http://www.atsc.army.mil/itsd/comcor/cg1281s.htm At one point in your life, one has to move from the hacker programming style ( scribble random things ) to s/w development style.

Sleepless saturday night

It had to happen. I should not try to change my sleep cycle out of the blue. Even though I slept just an hour before my usual sleep time, I was rolling on the bed for 2 hours and then slept for 2 hours and then I’m back to rolling now. Could not stand the feel of my body touching the bed anymore and finally jumped off the bed. Its amazing all the things that go through your mind when you are not getting sleep.