Yahoo mail and image attachments

I’m really really annoyed. All this while I was under the impression that Yahoo! mail displays thumbnails of jpg/gif attachments in email. Today I was reading few of my mails on yahoo and the page just went on and on and since I’m on a sucky link, this went on for more then 20 min. I did not realize this was happening as I was on an another browser tab trying to figure out why the other pages were loading slow. Then when the page finally loads, I right click on the thumbnail and select ‘Show Image’ and voila the…

Posting pictures ?

I have *loads* of pictures which I’ve shot over the past couple of months and most of these are really really good ones. I’ve always wanted to post them here, but somehow was too lazy or had limited access to the net. Now I want to post all those pics online one by one, but I’m not sure if people are really fine with that. I mean many people still live in the dial-up world and I, for one find it really tough to load all my friends blogs when I connect from my blog. So I could either post…

Away from the forests

I’m in Vizag this week on a family-work thingy. This place is so damn hot and sweaty, I feel like someone has poured some glue into my shirt. I don’t think I’ll ever used to the coastal climate and I personally think the Indian east coast is lot more hot and humid then the west coast. Atleast my old phone seems to be holding up a little now, so I actually might get to be online often this week.. and hopefully often enough for me to upload few of my recent pictures.

Offshore software development, no literally Three entrepreneurs in San Diego, who are in the final throes of launching a company that will offer software development off the coast of California—three miles outside Los Angeles, to be specific. The three plan to buy a used cruise ship and station it close enough for a half-hour water taxi ride to shore, but far enough to avoid H1B jurisdiction. By stationing the ship in international waters, the company, called SeaCode, will be able to remain close to U.S. clients while picking and choosing IT talent from around the world—something that tightening H1B visa requirements have made difficult…

Dead and Crappy phone == No email

Last week my Sony Ericsson T610 totally gave up on me. The phone is going into this infinite reboot cycle and nothing seems to change that. This phone is probably the worst electronic device I’ve ever used. The UI is non-intuitive, the joystick hurts the fingers, the navigation is just way too slow and the reception is terrible. I’m currently using an old Nokia 3310 and man this phone rocks. The navigation is lovely and the speed at which I can look up address book etc is amazing. I really wish Nokia came up with a 3310 & bluetooth &…

Just when I thought I’ve had enough

I know, I know everyone will hate me after reading this, but here goes… While coming back from safari today evening we noticed a mongoose cross the main road and slip into a small hole. After coming back to the resort, me and malini (naturalist intern) went back to this spot in my car to see if the hole was its den. We got to see the mongoose and got some decent shots too. Just when we were about to turn back, a jeep come by and they told us they had seen a tiger some 10KM down the road….

Predator Overload

So I finally got the much needed permission and managed to stay in the forest for a while. To start off, We (me, malini and narayana the local tribal guy) went there at 7pm and it was quite dark already. I parked the jeep on the road, about 10m away from the kill and waited. Last week I bought one of those LCD lights which you can strap on to your head and use for night treks and stuff. I thought this was a good time to use the new light, so I put it on my head and switch…

Tiger’s again

This morning while going on the safari, we caught a carcass of a large gaur (indian bison) only 20% eaten by a tiger. Unlike last time, this dead body is very close to the safari game track. I know the tiger will come back tonight to eat the rest, so right now the plan is to stay there all night in the forest and hope to film/shoot the tiger when it comes to eat the kill. However, I need a special permit to stay there past 7pm and been trying to get that all day today. Let’s hope I get…

Conservation via photography

Baba Dioum, a naturalist from africa once said: In the end we will conserve only what we love. We love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught. This I think is the key to conservation anywhere in the world and this is what all the wildlife photographers and film makers should work for. (Sandesh, thanks for the quote)

Forest Fires

A forest fire broke out today right behind the camp. We still don’t know who or what caused the fire, but atleast we managed to stop the fire before it did too much damage. We were lucky to get advance warning from the forest guard who was watching from top of a hill. Since there were no forest department folks at our camp, we (employees of the camp) rushed to the spot and started to fight the fire. Since this forest is very thick, it made our job very tough and all of us got burnt and bruised while we…