
Line in front of venue on the 1st day FOSS.IN has been an amazing success this time. The new style show payed off and there was lot more interaction between speakers and participants and among the participants themselves. Wifi worked, so I could sit and do all my work while I was attending all the boring talks. My Wildlife talk never happened, but I think I managed to pull off the security talk quite well (considering the Security BOF after the talk was fully packed). Watch out for more updates at Planet FOSS

My talks at FOSS.IN/2005

Sorry about the short notice, but tomorrow, I’m giving a talk on “Wildlife Conservation using FOSS” at FOSS.IN/2005. My talk got pushed into the schedule just yesterday and I just got back from my trip this evening. So looks like I’ll have to sit up all night to finish the slides. My other talk’s on thursday where I’m talking about “Web Application Security”. Do make it for that talk if you can, should be quite entertaining. And in other news, thanks to a big screwup by Fedex, jeremy ain’t making it this years event.

Travel week with relatives

Starting tomorrow morning, I’m off for a week for a cousin’s wedding at Pallakollu, AP. I should be back, just in time for This is a wedding that’s happening in my family after 12 years and I’ll meet all the relatives whom I haven’t met in 12 years. Hope everything goes well 🙂


It’s that time of the year when all roads for geeks lead to Bangalore. FOSS.IN/2005 starts in less then 10 days and I’m quite excited about this year’s event. Most of you know, Linux-Bangalore/2003 was a blast, and the years before that was total party too, and after that, linux-bangalore/2004 was quite a drag. Many blamed it on the participants, some on the speakers and few even said it was the bad food. But personally I think it was because linux world itself changed. Let me tell you why Few years ago, no one ever heard of Linux and it…

I’m done with small cars

Last week, when I had parked my car on a side of a street, this jeep came and banged my car on the side, jamming the side door window. After taking the car through bad road of BR hills, I had given it for servicing earlier this week and picked it up yesterday after a fat bill. Today afternoon, a truck come and crashed into my car from behind on hosur road. My seat broke, back doors are jammed and the whole of back is smashed up. The driver said sorry and there is nothing more that I could do…

Lizard Photography

To get a nice portrait like this one has to really work hard like this (Picture shot by Harsha) This female lizard had just laid it’s eggs and was very protective about them. This is it’s threat display to scare other animals away. Normally it’s very tough to photograph these lizards, but this female in Bandipur was very brave and refused to run.

I’m in Venice

Nah, its just Bangalore which feels like it. This is the view from my house as I write this post. The highest ever rainfall in Bangalore has taken its toll on me. I was stranded at my house since sunday till yesterday morning without power. I managed to get out yesterday for a while, only to be stuck again today after yesterday’s rains. Atleast the power supply seems to be holding up and I have my wifi. It’s about time I move out of here. The city infrastructure is worse then baghdad. I send 2 -3 hours everyday in traffic,…

Rock Climbing

Did my second day of rocking climbing at turahalli this morning. Managed to climb few of them and did not injure myself this time. The pain in my toes and fingers feels good. Plan to go with my camera next time to shoot some pictures. It’s nice to see people hanging on to these cracks which are less then 1cm in width.

Introducing WildIndia

Remember the wildlife related project I was talking about ? Well here you go. Introducing WildIndia, a community site for people interested in Indian wildlife, ornithologists, wildlife photographers and ofcourse for everyone else. Noel and me have been working on this for a while now, but only recently this has taken off in a big way. The aim is to use the power of the Internet and current day technology tools to enable people to collect, share and analyze our Biodiversity data in an easy way. I also wrote my first ajax script using google maps to show bird distribution…