BBC Earth Explorer : Lion-tailed macaques

You remember the Chasing the Monsoon expedition? Paul has been very efficient and has been both writing and putting together video snippets from the trip.
BBC has finally put up one of the stories from the expedition which I presented on the Lion-tailed macaques (Filmed by David, Paul and Mandanna). Lion-tailed macaques are the most fascinating primates from the Western Ghats and are also one of the most endangered in the world. I have been following this group for a while now when I did the photo essays, and it was a pleasure to see them again and thankfully doing well for the moment. Unfortunately currently this video can be accessed only from UK. I’ll try to put it up elsewhere once I get the permission. Till then, the best way to see it would be via a UK based open proxy.
Earth Explorer is the coolest title I’ve ever had in my life. The coming year will be the year of exploration and travel for me.
Fantastic title! 🙂
Looking forward to see the video.
Wow! The title sounds uber-cool 🙂
Hope to see the video soon!
Earth Explorer is bloody cool, indeed. Congrats.
wow! that’s really the coolest title i’ve ever heard! 🙂
Have an awesome time exploring and enlightening us as well.
Awesome….waiting for the video….
Congrats dude! Good luck ahead. Is the content UK view only?
For the moment yes. The content might open up for rest of the world soon though.
Way to go Mr.Varma
Its an apt title for you.Wish a long travels to un explored regions.
Congrats Kalyan….. I have seen the photo essay on your site and that is pretty cool too…wish i could see the video as well….will try a UK proxy…
Congrats Kalyan…Gr8 achievement 🙂
congrats kalyan. Well, most commented and already said this: waiting for the video. Ü
ruth stan/.ph
Congrats Kalyan. Will watch the video soon via some remote desktops 🙂
Congrats buddy… ! really nice to see that on BBC website :)..great work !
really nice to hear about LTMs sojourns Yes there isnt much work done on them Kalyan.
Great to be featured by the BBC
Congrats again Kalyan…nice video and a great acheivement…!
Congrats, Kalyan! This is really cool.
Just wanted to go on record on your website, too! Very happy for you.
Many many congratulations to you! Kalyan. You fully deserve it. I hope that you can use this title to showcase Indian wildlife and the challenges involved to the world in a different light. All the best !
Congrats Kalyan!! Uber cool!!! Way to go.
Congrat Kalyan !
Good to see you in BBC as one of the earth explorer … All the best..
Congrats Kalyan !!!!
May many more such titles be bestowed upon you !!!
All the best for your future projects.