Outlook Traveller photographs and an apology
In the last two months of the Outlook Traveller magazine, my photographs have appeared on the cover and in the cover stories. Its really nice to see the photos in Outlook magazine and Geo as their layout design is good and the printing quality is excellent.
This month’s cover story is about Kalakad-Mundanthural Tiger Reserve. I just saw the preview of it and it looks amazing. The prints of the photos have come out really well. Do go out and pick up your copy from the stores now. Below is the cover of this month’s issue.

Outlook Traveller Oct 2009 Cover
You might be wondering now–this image looks familiar. Well it sure is, as I have posted this before and this was photographed in BR hills. This is where the magazine goofed up. Normally its impossible to always get all the photographs from the same location.. and sometimes publishers mix photos from other locations. This is fine too as most photos are from BR hills and Anamalais which in some way share many of the species with this forest. But instead of saying “A leopard in the forests, a common predator of KMTR”, they said “A leopard photographed in KMTR” which it is not.
I did not get the proof before it went for print, so I did not realise it would come out this way. As I said, though the article is about KMTR, most of the photos are from Anamalais or BR hills and I’m really sorry for misleading people about KMTR. KMTR itself is a wonderful forest and maybe one of the few least-touched places in the Western Ghats, and all these species are found there too, however they are extremely difficult to sight and photographing them there is a really tough job because of the dense forest canopy and therefore the low-light conditions, as well as the steeply sloping terrain.

The main page of the cover story on KMTR
The above photograph was taken in Anamalais too, but they have mentioned KMTR here as well. I again really apologise for misinformation like this. I will try my best to make sure the publishers get it right in all the future work.
Last month’s photo story was about the long trek that we did two years ago to Gandhigram through the Namdapha Tiger Reserve in Arunachal Pradesh. You can read the full article by clicking on the image below.

Outlook Traveller article on Namdapha expedition
Awesome stuff.. nice to hear.
I think the mess up with photographs happens very often to a lot of people.
The cover looks awesome dude. Great work.
Kalyan, your photographs are published all over 🙂 So many collections and many places. May be they just want to use the best to make their Outlook look best 🙂
Congratulations Kalyan, I think most sensible wildlifers dont mind this error. As far as the species in question exists in the park, this is ignorable.
I know many publishers who use Rhinos of Kazi in articles of Manas, Tigers of Kanha, in Bandhavgarh Book, Harsha’s leopard from Pench on Bandhavgarh Book. So its understandable. But yea it might make a slight difference if they say “This shot was taken in…” while it was not. But am sure it is quite okay.
Mixing photos is ok, but actually labeling them is wrong.
Congratulations dude 🙂
That is wonderful. Beautiful photos, Kallu.
Awesome stuff. Great going and congratulations!
Lovely photo Guru…you didn’t put this up for the ‘spots’ theme in facebook contest! 🙂
Well I am bored of this image to be honest. I need fresh look at my own photos sometimes 🙂
Wonderful work. . Awesome pics and btw can I know which cam u use usually?
I mostly use the Nikon D200. Sometimes the D70 and recently used the nikon D3 for a bit.
Awesome stuff kalyan.
Excellent work kalyan, pictures and cover looks outstanding
Just one word.. WOW!!
Great work, and good for you for maintaining standards. It *does* matter.
Good stuff dude, it’s good that you mentioned the mix-up on blog. Blogs always help in these scenarios :), though the error is minor.
the pics look awesome. grt going.
viswaprasad raju
congratulations… great work again!!!
Hey Kalyan! Nice to see this leopard picture make it to the cover photograph 🙂 And of course, the hornbill from Seen God!
Looking forward to more..
Dear Kalyan,
Many publishers do these type of goof-ups, without realising the importance!!
In any case, this cannot detract from your class photos.They’re fantastic.
The one of the leapard in BR Hills, is really arresting.
The Hornbill long shot in Anamalais is also a beautiful one too.
Just got my copy of the magazine.
Beautiful cover story Kalyan.
Congrats Kalyan.. 🙂
Great ! Congrats kalyan !
Hi Kalyan,
Fantastic going but now we expect this as a given. There is no point in aplogising for the magazine’s goofing – that again is the norm. I have never seen any magazine do any crosschecks to see that what they print is right. There is no accountability whatsoever in media
Congrats Kalyan. I saw this last Saturday while shopping and thought the cover image rang a bell and when I checked sure enough it was your shot. Nice writeup and pics too. Hope to see more.
Too cool dude, too cool
Ha! The photos are so delightful. KMTR is a lovely forest but not sure how long it will be. Mundanthurai is pillaged by pilgrims each year in Jul/Aug. I will sure pick up a copy of this issue. Keem them coming!
Awesome work Kalyan! Will get my copy soon.
I purchased a copy of this magazine and immediately recognised the photos, even before I saw the credits. Good prints and looks nice overall
Amazing photos.. congrats!
Good ones Kalyan . All my appreciations.
Last night only i read that article in Outlook as i found that photgraphy is from KVarma.
Really amazing. Like ur candidness too…
Congrats Kalyan…
Hope to see more of ur work..
Congratulations Kalyan!
i felt the sane when i got my copy ” the image looked familiar”
Hi Kalyan:
I bought this issue without knowing your contribution. It was a nice surprise.
Congratulations. The cover photo is awesome!
Wonderful Kalyan! I remember the cover page 🙂 Waiting for more!
Dear Kalyan,
I must welcome you to one of the most beautiful locations in the Himalayas…..the Great Himalayan National Park. With your camera you could do justice to this place. Moreover the western tragopan ….king of birds have never been shot in the wild.